In Memoriam
Rahul Balusu
This website is a repository of all of the linguistic research produced by Dr. Rahul Balusu, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computational Linguistics, EFLU, Hyderabad, India. Included in this repository are papers, book chapters, abstracts, presentation slides, and teaching materials -- any content that Rahul created in any form that we could track down or that he shared with us. There is also a Pictures page with many wonderful memories, and a Eulogies page for the many things we want to say to and about Rahul.
Dr. Balusu passed away on July 20th, 2020, leaving us all in utter grief and mourning. His contribution to South Asian linguistics is deep and immense, much like his contribution to all of our lives, scholars of formal semantics and linguistics in general. He was known as the avid traveller, the adventure and food lover, the very shy but extremely generous and kind spirit, beloved colleague, mentor, and friend. Before becoming a linguist, Rahul was a medical doctor. He maintained active interests in computational linguistics, phonetics, syntax, and semantics. Rahul was also many other things -- he would be the one setting out with you on crazy hikes in the Himalayas, or tracking down the best tapas bar in Boston, or quietly throwing one-liners in a late-night gossip session, or bringing you thoughtful gifts, or being a delight in the discussion of all things linguistics and food.
Rahul never hosted a website for his many influential papers, and we hope to use this website as a remembrance of his brilliance. In a given year, Rahul delivered multiple international conference talks and wrote papers on a myriad range of topics. We have not included the many thoughtful, funny, and contemplative emails he has sent to many of us over the years -- we will cherish those privately and forever remember all of the myriad ways Rahul touched the lives of everyone around him.
Note: The Search function (control/command+F) works for the overall website as well as inside the papers at the same time. You can search for topics such as "sluicing"/"free choice" or sorting categories like "talk"/"abstract"/"dissertation"/"teaching materials", etc. The files are in crowdsourcing order, not chronological.
Please write to Diti Bhadra ( if you have any other work of Rahul's that I missed here, or if you have any pictures of him you would like to share for the Pictures page. The Eulogies page can be submitted to directly. I will slowly try to update the citation information for each of these publications.
Balusu (2006)_Distributive Reduplication in Telugu

Balusu (2017)_Free Choice Relatives in Telugu

Balusu (2015)_Comparison, predication and lexical semantics of PC nouns in Telugu

"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2006. "Distributive reduplication in Telugu." In Amy Rose Deal, Christopher Davis, and Youri Zabbal (eds.), Proceedings of the Northeast Linguistics Society 36, pages 39-52.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2017. "Free Choice Relatives in Telugu." In Vera Hohaus and Wanda Rothe (eds.), Proceedings of Triple A 3, pages 70-84.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2015. "Comparison, predication and lexical semantics of PC nouns in Telugu". Indian Linguistics, 76(1-2), pages 1-18.
Shaw and Balusu (2010)_Language contact and phonological contrast: the case of coronal affricates in Japanese loans

Balusu (2018)_Lexical semantics of transitivizer light verbs in Telugu

Balusu (2018)_A New Kind of Perspective Sensitivity Cross-linguistically: Primary Predication with -gaa

"How to Cite"
Shaw, Jason, & Balusu, Rahul. 2010. "Language contact and phonological contrast: the case of coronal affricates in Japanese loans." Language contact: New perspectives, 28, 155.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2014. "Lexical semantics of transitivizer light verbs in Telugu." In Pritha Chandra & Richa Srishti (eds.) The lexicon syntax interface: Perspectives from South Asian languages, 209, pages 101-126, John Benjamins Publishing.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2018. "A New Kind of Perspective Sensitivity Cross-linguistically: Primary Predication with-gaa." University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 24, Issue 1, pages 26-35.
Balusu (2018) talk_The role of the particle -oo in wh-exclamatives in Telugu and Kannada

Balusu (2019)_The role of the particle -oo in wh-exclamatives in Telugu and Kannada

Balusu (2017)_The Random Choice indefinite in Telugu: high or low event modal anchor, total & equal variation

"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2018. “The role of the particle -oo in wh-exclamatives in Telugu and Kannada.” Talk presented at Sinn und Bedeutung 23, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2019. “The role of the particle -oo in wh-exclamatives in Telugu and Kannada.” In M. Teresa Espinal, Elena Castroviejo, Manuel Leonetti, Louise McNally, and Cristina Real-Puigdollers (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 23, pages 109–126.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2017. “The Random Choice indefinite in Telugu: high or low event modal anchor, total & equal variation.” Manuscript, EFLU, Hyderabad.
Balusu (2017)_PPI effects with an NPI/FCI in Telugu

Balusu (2015)_Property Concepts in Complex Predicates in Telugu

Balusu (2017)_Probing the ignorance of Epistemic Indefinites: A (non)-Familiarity constraint

"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2017. “PPI effects with an NPI/FCI in Telugu.” In Andrew Lamont and Katerina Tetzloff (eds.), Proceedings of the Northeast Linguistics Society 47, pages 65-74.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2015. “Property Concepts in Complex Predicates in Telugu.” In Thuy Bui and Deniz Özyıldız (eds.), Proceedings of the Northeast Linguistics Society 45, pages 81-90.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2018. “Probing the ignorance of Epistemic Indefinites: A (non)-Familiarity constraint” In, Elizabeth Bogal-Allbritten and Coppock, Elizabeth (eds.), Proceedings of TripleA 4, pages 79-90.
Balusu (2016)_Sluicing in Dravidian: Tracing the source

Balusu (2019) talk_The Anatomy of the Dravidian Unconditional

Balusu (2019)_The anatomy of the Dravidian unconditional

"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2016. “Sluicing in Dravidian: Tracing the source. ” In Rahul Balusu & Sandhya Sundaresan (eds.) Proceedings of Formal Approaches to South Asian Languages 5, pages 64-83.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2019. “The anatomy of the Dravidian unconditional.” Talk presented at GLOW in Asia XII, Dongguk University, Seoul.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2019. “The anatomy of the Dravidian unconditional.” In Sae-Youn Cho (ed.), Proceedings of GLOW in Asia XII. Pages 40–59.
Manthodi and Balusu (to appear)_
NPI/FCIS of Malayalam: Division between wh-aane-engil-um, wh-engil-um & wh-um

Balusu and Jayaseelan (2013) book chapter_Distributive Quantification by Reduplication in Dravidian

Balusu (2018) talk_The quotative complementizer says “I’m too baroque for that”

"How to Cite"
Manthodi, Sarath Chandran and Balusu, Rahul. To Appear. “NPI/FCIS of Malayalam: Division between wh-aane-engil-um, wh-engil-um & wh-um.” In Neil Banerjee and Verena Hehl (eds.), Proceedings of Triple A6, pages 79-92.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul and Jayaseelan, K. A. 2013. “Distributive Quantification by Reduplication in Dravidian.” In Kook-Hee Gil, Stephen Harlow, and George Tsoulas (eds.), Strategies of Quantification, pages 60-86, Oxford University Press. DOI:
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2018. “The quotative complementizer says “I’m too baroque for that.” Talk presented at Formal Approaches to South Asian Languages (FASAL) 8, Wichita State University.
Balusu (2018) talk_Fine Tuning the Dravidian Left Periphery: The three ‘complementizers’ in Telugu & Kannada

Balusu (2016)_The Eventive Predicator -gaa in Telugu

Balusu (2020) talk_Unconditional-FCIs of Dravidian

"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2018. “Fine Tuning the Dravidian Left Periphery: The three ‘complementizers’ in Telugu & Kannada.” Talk presented at the Clause Typing and Syntax-to-Discourse Relation in Head-Final Languages workshop, Universität Konstanz.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2016. “The Eventive Predicator -gaa in Telugu.” Linguistic Analysis, Volume 40, number 3-4, pages 199-236.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2020. “Unconditional-FCIs of Dravidian.” Talk presented at (Formal) Approaches to South Asian Languages (FASAL) 10, Ohio State University.
Balusu, Murugesan, & Rajamathangi (2015) talk_The Dravidian Bagel

Balusu (2020)_Unifying FCIs, NPIs, and Unconditionals in Dravidian

Balusu (2018) talk_Polar Question Particle -aa in Alternative and Y/N Questions in Telugu

"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul, M. Gurujegan, and Rajamathangi S. 2015. “The Dravidian Bagel.” Talk presented at ICOLSI 37, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. To appear. “Unifying FCIs, NPIs, and unconditionals in Dravidian.” In Proceedings of Northeast Linguistic Society 50, MIT.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2018. “Polar Question Particle -aa in Alternative and Y/N Questions in Telugu.” Talk presented at the Meaning in non-canonical questions workshop, Universität Konstanz.
Balusu (2019) talk_A Correlative Typology Mixing Syntactic and Semantic Parameters

Balusu (2017) talk_Probing the ignorance of Epistemic Indefinites: A (non)-Familiarity/Uniqueness constraint

Manthodi and Balusu (2019) talk_A Random Choice indefinite with a twist: Malayalam wh-oo oru

"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2019. “A Correlative Typology Mixing Syntactic and Semantic Parameters.” Talk presented at Workshop on Approaches to Language Variation, IIT Delhi, New Delhi.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2017. “Probing the ignorance of Epistemic Indefinites: A (non)-Familiarity/Uniqueness constraint.” Talk presented at SyN KraNTI: A Syn/Sem workshop, EFLU, Hyderabad.
"How to Cite"
Manthodi, Sarath Chandran and Balusu, Rahul. 2019. “A Random Choice indefinite with a twist: Malayalam wh-oo oru.” Talk presented at South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable (SALA-35), INALCO, Paris.
Balusu (2019) talk_ Pro-forms and perspectival phrases: Evidence from anaphorization for a fine-grained patterning

Balusu SALT28 abstract_Agreement shift in Telugu, and beyond: One LogP to bind all de se

Balusu abstract_Finiteness and Reduplication in Dravidian

"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2019. “Pro-forms and perspectival phrases: Evidence from anaphorization for a fine-grained patterning.” Talk presented at SALA-35, INALCO, Paris.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2017. “Agreement shift in Telugu, and beyond: One LogP to bind all de se.” Abstract submitted SALT 28 @ MIT.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2018. “Finiteness and Reduplication in Dravidian.” Abstract, English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad.
Manthodi and Balusu abstract_The Polar Question particle aa in Alternative and YN Questions in Malayalam dialects

Balusu (2017) abstract_The RC Indefinite in Telugu/ total & equal variation, Epistemic/Root modal base

Balusu NELS49 abstract_Reflexive/Anticausative verbal marker & Aspectual light verb interactions in Telugu

"How to Cite"
Manthodi, Sarath Chandran and Balusu, Rahul. 2019. “The Polar Question particle aa in Alternative and YN Questions in Malayalam dialects.” Abstract, English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2017. “The RC Indefinite in Telugu/ total & equal variation, Epistemic/Root modal base.” Abstract, English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderbad.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2018. “Reflexive/Anticausative verbal marker & Aspectual light verb interactions in Telugu.” Abstract submitted to NELS49 @ Cornell University.
Balusu (2003) abstract_Antigemination and Anti-antigemination: A Functional Phonological Perspective

Balusu (2019)_JNU talk abstract_Dravidian Unconditionals Galore

Balusu (2009)_PhD dissertation_OCP Effects in Telugu

"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2003. “Antigemination and Anti-antigemination: A Functional Phonological Perspective.” Abstract submitted to ConSOLE XII at the University of Patras, Greece.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2019. “Dravidian Unconditionals Galore” Talk delivered at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2009. “OCP Effects in Telugu.” New York University PhD dissertation.
Balusu (2010)_Children's command of quantification: Some investigations in Dravidian

"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2010. “Children's command of quantification: Some investigations in Dravidian.” The EFL Journal 1/2: 61-81.
Balusu (2019)_Anticausative or reflexive verbal marker and aspectual light verb interactions in Telugu

Balusu (2012)_Complex Predicates in Telugu: A computational perspective

"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2019. "Anticausative or reflexive verbal marker and aspectual light verb interactions in Telugu." In Maggie Baird and Jonathan Pesetsky (eds.), Proceedings of the Northeast Linguistics Society 49, Volume 1, pages 101-110.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2012. "Complex Predicates in Telugu: A computational perspective." In Martin Kay and Christian Boitet (eds.), Proceedings of COLING 2012: Demonstration Papers, pages 1–8, published by The COLING 2012 Organizing Committee, Mumbai, India.
Balusu (2013)_Selectional restrictions on light verbs in Telugu

Balusu (2018) talk_Grammaticalization of Self-Ascription

Balusu (2014) talk_Person Agreement in Adjectival Predication in Telugu

"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2013. "Selectional restrictions on light verbs in Telugu." 19th ICL Papers, Département de Linguistique de l’Université de Genève, Switzerland. ISBN:978-2-8399-1580-9
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2018. "Grammaticalization of Self-Ascription." Talk delivered at the University of Konstanz.
"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2014. "Person Agreement in Adjectival Predication in Telugu." Talk delivered at the Bhatt Workshop at LISSIM 8, Solang Valley, India.
Balusu (2020)_The Quotative Complementizer Says “I’m too Baroque for that”

"How to Cite"
Balusu, Rahul. 2020. "The Quotative Complementizer Says “I’m too Baroque for that”". In Proceedings of FASAL 8, (eds. Bhamati Dash & Gurmeet Kaur ), Vol 3 (2020): 1-12.