Greetings! I am Raghu Bollapragada, an Assistant Professor in the Operations Research and Industrial Engineering program at The University of Texas at Austin. I am also affiliated with the ODEN Institute for Computational Engineering & Sciences, Machine Learning Laboratory , and Center for Dynamics and Controls of Material: an NSF MRSEC  at UT Austin. 

My research focuses on designing algorithms for nonlinear optimization. My research include works in subfields such as constrained optimization, stochastic optimizationdistributed optimization, and optimization algorithms for machine learning.  As the scale and difficulty of optimization problems being posed increases in areas such as logistics, controls, machine learning, and computational physics, designing new age optimization algorithms becomes necessary to tackle these problems while taking full advantage of hardware and software tools available.

News !!!


My research is supported by an NSF grant DMS-2324643, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).