Labor Market Institutions
Labor Market Deregulation, Employment, Growth and Distribution
Labor Market Deregulation, Employment, Growth and Distribution
Structural labour market reforms, GDP growth and the functional distribution of income
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 2018, Volume 34, 34-45
With Emiliano Brancaccio and Nadia Garbellini
Review of Political Economy 2020, Volume 32, 1-21
With Emiliano Brancaccio and Fabiana De Cristofaro
Le riforme strutturali del mercato del lavoro: promesse politiche ed evidenze empiriche
Rivista Giuridica del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale 2019, Volume 2, 193-209
With Emiliano Brancaccio
Dagli slogan alle evidenze: una rassegna sugli effetti delle deregolamentazioni del lavoro
La nuova disciplina del lavoro tra flessibilitĂ e tutele 2018, Key Editore, Vicalvi (FR).
With Emiliano Brancaccio and Nadia Garbellini