I would like to know if anyone with more knowledge on such things has any insight on this. The Hebrew letter resh, interestingly, was derived from an image of a man's head (which one could arguably say is rather linked to our perception and determination of what is real). Also, I understand resh can refer to a container, and boundaries. Latin res refers to a thing. Philosophically, it could be said things are the product of man identifying boundaries within what is otherwise a unified world, and through a process of reductionism classifying the product of these boundaries as separate things.

Conclusion:  The HOLA study generated an unprecedented level of high-quality, real-world evidence on characteristics and treatment patterns of patients with hematologic malignancies. Regional disparities in patient characteristics may reflect differences in ethnoracial identity and level of access to care. These data provide needed real-world evidence to understand the disease landscape in Latin America and may be used to inform clinical and health policy decision making.

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Conclusions:  Our study is in line with previous randomized clinical trials and recent real-world studies describing patient profiles, effectiveness and persistence regarding ocrelizumab treatment in multiple sclerosis patients in Latin America.

All of the words are spoken in Latin. The question is what are they saying? Is this Latin gibberish, is it a real ceremony of some sort or is it a hidden comedic ceremony in Latin? Switching on subtitles revealed the following:

Here is the Latin text of the fragment: 

--Eia, Qui estis intus! Fores aperire iubeo. ( (Eh, you are inside! I order you to open the door) 

-Quis nos iubet? (Whoever ordered it?) 

-Ecce magister vester. (Your teacher) 

-Ergo, fer patefaciat et qua sit auctoritate renuntiatus (So, that is demonstrated and announced under which authority) 

-quisnam nos apellat? (Who asked for us?) 

- Iussu reginae ex auctoritate concilii primorum ac pontificum ab eo quem penes est summa potestas, magister modo declaratus hic ego aditum postulo. 

(By order of the queen according to the authority of the advice of the notables and pontiffs under whom there is the maximum power, I declared recently master I request access here) 

-Mandatum tecum fers? (Do you have the mandate?) 

-Hoc signum ius meum declarat (This stamp declares my right) 

-Per Deum, per fidem reginae datam, nos domus Porteori socii te salutamus. (For God and due to the fidelity due to the queen, we, members of Porterhouse will greet you) 

-Salutamus magistrum Dominum mirabilem celebramus celebramus splendide institutum Celebramus celebramus in gloria collegii Bene regale, bene aequale Bene regale est praesentium (bis) 

(Saludem el maestro, admirable gentleman, celebrate it splendidly instituted, celebrate it in the glory of the school , real, equanimous is everyone present)

This is supposed to be the formal procedure by which a new Master (magister) of Porterhouse claims his right to the post, which Sharpe is trying to make pointedly ridiculous. The title 'Master' is appropriate here : it is simply that adopted for the head of this particular fictional college, where others in real life use such as 'President', 'Warden' and so on.

Tom Sharpe was a very popular comic novelist who would probably have been delighted with the attention his Latin is getting here. This really needs an English native to appreciate his humour, so I don't think this ought to be taken too seriously.

The author is grateful for comments to Leticia Arroyo Abad, Germn Forero, Nadine Kazerounian, Peter Lindert, Frank Borge Wietzke, Jeffrey Williamson and the referees. Assembling this new data set of real wages was only made possible by the generous help of a number of colleagues. During the early stage of the research the author was fortunate to reach (perhaps to their regret) Leticia Arroyo Abad, Ame Berges, Valpy FitzGerald, Ewout Frankema, Michael Huberman, Hctor Valecillos, Henry Willebald, Jeffrey Williamson, and Alan Wittrup for advice and data. At a country level, the autor is greatly in debt to: Florencia Aroz and Eduardo M. Cuesta (Argentina); Eustquio Reis, Marcelo Abreu and Mara Gomz Len (Brazil); Mario Matus, Jos Daz and Javier Rodrguez Weber (Chile); Mara Lpez Uribe, Oscar Nupia, Marco Palacios and Carmen A. Romero (Colombia); Raymundo Campos Vzquez and Aurora Gmez Galvarriato (Mexico); Brian McBeth, Hctor Valecillos and Gerardo Lucas (Venezuela).

We thank the LACOG-affiliated investigators Gonzalo Gomez-Abuin (Argentina), Maria Tereza Nieto Coronel (Bolvia), Bettina Mller (Chile), Sandra Ximena Franco (Colombia), Luis Corrales (Costa Rica), Cynthia Villarreal Garza (Mexico), Isabel Alonso (Uruguay) for answering to the therapies for treating TNBC survey. 589ccfa754

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