Rafał Stefański

I am currently a postdoc working with Samson Abramsky at  University College London. Before that I have been a PhD student of Mikołaj Bojańczyk at University of Warsaw (expected defence date: November 2023). My research focuses on logic, transducers and automata. I am especially interested in register automata, seen from the perspective of sets with atoms.


Structure and power

My part in this larger project, led by Samson Abramsky, focuses on two areas:


Single-use registers

In this project, together with Mikołaj Bojańczyk  and  Nathan Lhote, we have studied single-use register automata (and transducers). The model is very similar to standard register automata introduced by Kaminski and Francez,  with the modification that every read access to a register deletes its contents.




Contact: rafal.stefanski@mimuw.edu.pl