
Experimental certification of contextuality, coherence, and dimension in a programmable universal photonic processor 

In this study, we experimentally certify contextuality, coherence, and the Hilbert space dimension of a 6-mode programmable universal photonic chip, which was constructed using state-of-the-art laser writing techniques. We employ a recently introduced infinite family of two-state overlap inequalities to assess the device's capabilities.

Our results demonstrate that these inequalities cannot be violated without sufficient access to the device's modes. Beyond that, they reveal the generation of highly non-trivial coherence. Additionally, we establish a quantum advantage in the context of quantum interrogation using these inequalities. Our findings not only confirm the device's ability to generate generalized contextuality, a high bar for nonclassical statistics, but also show its potential to use this resource for powering the interrogation task.

DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adj4249 

Extended wigner's friend scenarios do not require nonlocal correlations

We introduce an infinite family of extended Wigner's friend scenarios in which observers that make sequential measurements over a system S that reason about their outcomes are lead to contradictory/paradoxical reasonings. 

We use n-cycle logically contextual behaviours to generate such paradoxes. In doing so, we avoid the usage of any for of nonlocal correlations of the initial system. In the simplest case, a contradiction is obtained from measurements over a qutrit.

Non-stabilizerness and entanglement from cat state injection

We introduce an infinite family of gadgets for cat states, injecting both non-Clifford and entangled unitaries fault-tolerantly in a given circuit. We study both magic and entanglement properties of cat states, and the optimality of the injection scheme. 

Later, we study the effectiveness of such states for classical simulation, quantum resource reduction, and to the generation of hardness of computation through the emergence of quantum information scrambling. We find that cat-state injection brings scrambling into initially separable Clifford circuits. We find also that although such cat states do not have an impact in standard classical simulation of quantum devices (as opposed to their usage in the ZX-calculus based simulation) they can be used to reduce quantum resources in general. 

simple proof that anomalous weak values require coherence

We investigate the connection between weak values and nonclassicality from the point of view of quantum coherence. There have been a long standing debate questioning the nonclassicality present in anomalous weak values. This debate was settled after proofs that anomalous values arising from weak measurments cannot be explained by noncontextual ontological models.  Recently, it has been pointed out that weak values can be measured without strictly using the weak measurement scheme, without relying to quantum state tomography nor post-selection. We contributed in this novel way of testing weak values in the work below.

In our work we revisited a simple argument for the nonclassicality of anomalous values in terms of (basis-independent) coherence. Essentially, we show that any anomaly requires coherence of the pre/post selection states, regardless of purity, dimension of the physical system considered, and the specific eigenbasis of the observable in question, to be coherent. Moreover, we also study to what extent coherence is sufficient and we show that it is a very particular 'kind' of coherence that allows for anomalous weak values, namely, negativity, imaginarity, or anomaly of third-order Bargmann invariants. 

We use our results to claim that we can use modern techniques to witness generalized contextuality present in anomalous weak values without the necessity of the operational constraints relative to weak measurements. We also discuss how these results allow for robustly interpreting weak value statistics as witnesses of (basis-independent) coherence. (ArXiv version)

validity of the environment-assisted quantum transport in different light-harvesting settings

The nascent field of quantum biology attempts at understanding what might be the role of quantum mechanics in many naturally occurring dynamical behaviors in biology. The most important of those, for technological and academic reasons, is the study of photosynthesis. 

In this work we study toy models of photosynthetic dynamics that depend on basis-dependent coherence. We study how varying many of the parameters in this dynamical system affect the success rates of energy transfer in general, and compare with values that are approximately close to photosynthetic systems.

emergence of noncontextuality under quantum darwinism

Decoherence does not settle the debate on how objectivity, in the sense of observers that agree with each others results, emerges for macroscopic objects. The view of Quantum Darwinism is to promote the environment from a simple destructive agent of quantum information -- as it is in decoherence theory -- to the active agent selecting information to be 'proliferated' and to be available to be extracted by many observers. 

We connect this notion of emergence of objectivity with a solid notion of nonclassicality: generalized noncontextuality. This notion encompasses classical mechanics and is motivated by many philosophical desiderata that are also well-motivated from a purely classical world-view. We show then that Quantum Darwinism, when successful, destroys any generalized contextuality that could be present in a quantum system!

using a resource theoretic perspective to witness and engineer quantum generalized contextuality for prepare-and-measure scenarios

To the date of presentation of this work there was a single formal resource theory to study generalized contextuality, the one introduced by Barbara Amaral and Christiano Duarte (Recently, there is a new RT being introduced, but within the perspective of studying this notion of nonclassicality in the GPT framework). 

We use this RT to formally understand when we can witness and even engineer generalized contextuality, using an introduced notion of composing PM scenarios as well as simply re-thinking the effect of post-processing data-tables (behaviours). 

contextuality-by-default for behaviours in compatibility scenarios

There are many non-equivalent ways to define what can be understood by contextuality. For each such a perspective, there are different approaches to understand notion. For example, the Kochen-Specker notion of contextuality can be studied using various graph-approaches, or the sheaf-approach; generalized contextuality can be studied using a GPT perspective or an OPT perspective and CbD might be studied using standard random variables data-tables or causal models based on latent variables (M-contextuality).

In this work we analyse how to approach the CbD 1.0 formalism from the perspective of behaviours instead of random variables. We connect the two ideas concretely and present the topic of CbD 1.0.