Rafael A. Chavez L.

Phd. Student in Antofagasta University

Antofagasta Chile


Short Introduction of me:

I am a researcher in String Theory and Supersymmetry specifically in phenomenology. Currently studying my PhD at the University of Antofagasta-Chile started in 2019 under my advisors Maria del Pilar G. and Pedro A.. I received my BA of Mathematics and Master of physics - Mathematics in 2014 and 2016 respectively from Lisandro Alvarado University-Venezuela under my advisor Rommel Guerrero. My interests lie in strings phenomenology and geometry

Mathematics and Physics

  • SO(10) thick branes and perturbative stability, https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.03785 ,These non-abelian domain walls interpolate between AdS5 spacetimes with different embedding of SU(5) in SO(10) and they can be distinguished.

  • A SU(5)×Z2 kink solution and its local stability, https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.10634 , We consider a fourth order Higgs potential in a 1+1 theory where the scalar field is in the adjoint representation of SU(5).

  • Embedding of rank two supercharges in the superconformal algebra,arxiv.org/abs/2110.06828, We discuss an embedding of su(n) rank-two antisymmetric supercharges in the su(2,2|dn) superalgebra, where dn=n(n−1)/2. We describe an algorithm to construct the explicit form of the generators of the superalgebra

  • Gauging the superconformal group with a graded dual operator, arxiv.org/abs/2111.09845, Based on the superconformal algebra we construct a dual operator that introduces a grading among bosonic generators independent of the boson/fermion grading of the superalgebra. This dual operator allows us to construct an action that is gauge invariant under the grading even bosonic generators. We provide a self-dual notion based on the dual operator. We use the definition of the dual operator to contruct a model with gauge invariance SO(1,3)×SU(N)×U(1)⊂SU(2,2|N). The choice of a graded dual operator allows us to overcome technical difficulties of U(N) unified theories based on the superconformal group. The gravity action reproduces the Einstein-Hilbert action in certain sector of the theory. The definition of the dual operator allows us to include fermionic matter in the gauge connection in a geometric manner. We give a summary with possible phenomenological parameters that are included in the model.

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Teaching and Mentoring

  • Exclusive research from 2020

  • Geometry, Calculus as visitor teacher (UA), Chile-Antofagasta (2019-2020)

  • Algebra, Calculus, EDO, Statistics, Multivariable Calculus (UPS), Quito-Ecuador. (2017-2019)

  • Docente De Matemática, Colegio Rosa Carolina Agazzis, Barquisimeto-Venezuela. (2013-2016)