Today, JSC RTRK Kazakhstan unites in its structure: the national TV channel Qazaqstan, TV channels Qazsport, Balapan, Abai TV, Kazakh Radio, radio Shalqar, radio Astana, radio Classic  and regional TV and radio companies.

TV audience coverage - 99 % and radio audience coverage - 88.74 % of the population of Kazakhstan. In addition, the Corporation's signal can be received by residents of the border territories of neighboring countries (the Russian Federation, Mongolia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan).

Radio Kazakhstan

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The broadcasting network of the TV channel Kazakhstan includes news, TV series, feature films, documentaries and other programs. The corporation's media assets meet the needs of a wide audience of radio and television broadcasting.

Qazaq radiosy is the largest radio broadcasting network in the country, covering the audience of radio listeners not only in Kazakhstan, but also in the border areas of Russia, China, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Priority areas of Qazaq radiosy: objective coverage of the democratic transformations of sovereign Kazakhstan, positive changes in the economy, social sphere, and culture. On the radio, you can hear programs which cover the topics of politics, economy, agriculture, international harmony, culture and education in two languages.

Radio Shalqar is a structural division of the Qazaq radio, which broadcasts only in the state language. The main concept of radio Shalqar is the preservation and development of the spiritual heritage of the Kazakh people. Thematic focus: information and analytical, literary and musical, historical and educational programs.

Radio Astana - is an information and music radio station. The first airing took place on January 19, 1999 on the frequency 101.4 FM with a broadcast volume of 18 hours. The radio broadcasts only in the territory of Astana.

Radio Classic is the first classical music radio station in Kazakhstan. This is a joint media project of the Republic TV and radio corporation Kazakhstan and the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy. The radio format is Classical: classical music of different genres, national schools and trends, aimed at the audience without age restrictions.

On June 17, 2013, JSC Republic TV and Radio Corporation Kazakhstan joined the Association for International Broadcasting (Association for International Broadcasting), which includes more than 50 major international and national TV and radio broadcasters, including BBC World, Al-Jazeera, Bloomberg, Eurosport, France 24, Russia Today, Deutsche Welle and other well-known and authoritative electronic media.

The pride of JSC RTRK Kazakhstan is the Golden Fund, which stores more than 10 thousand television programs, videos and more than 100 thousand unique recordings of the Kazakh radio, many of which are priceless.

More than 150 programs are produced at 8 sound-editing hardware and 3 sound-recording hardware stations, and radio broadcasting of Kazakh Radio, radio Shalkar, radio Astana and radio Classic is carried out.

The first broadcast took place on Jan. 26. The General Consul of Kazakhstan in New York Almat Aidarbekov, hosts from Zhuldyz FM radio in Kazakhstan, as well as the first Kazakh policeman in New York Dimash Niyazov were invited as guests.

The radio broadcasts about the life of Kazakhs abroad, in particular their life in the US. In addition, Kozhan shares news from Kazakhstan and the United States as well as interesting facts about his motherland.

August 22 marked exactly one year since the Polish radio station Dimash Radio, dedicated to the Kazakh artist, went on the air. On this occasion, Dimash Radio editors, guests including Dears met in the studio in Warsaw.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Republic of Poland Alim Kirabayev congratulated the station on its birthday. His congratulations were received by the founders of the radio station with great excitement.

Kazakhstan is a member of the ITU and as such follows radio frequency harmonisation principles according to ITU-R Region-1. The regulatory body governing communications policy is the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC), who is also charged with regulating the country's radio frequency spectrum activities such as planning, allocations, and licencing.

1. These rules of registration and operation of radio-electronic means of radio amateur services (further - Rules) establish registration procedure and operation of radio-electronic means of radio amateur services in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Radio amateur service - the radio service for the purposes of self-training, negotiation communication and technical researches performed by the physical persons having the corresponding permission.

In Rules provisions of Radio regulations of the International Telecommunication Union of December 9, 1988 (International Communication Unit (ITU), Melbourne) and recommendations of the Interdepartmental commission on radio frequencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered.

3. Radio-electronic means of radio amateur services (further - amateur radio stations) depending on the quantitative list of participants are divided into individual radio stations and radio stations of collective use, and also depending on classes are subdivided into the following categories:

Amateur radio stations of coherent class are intended for carrying out radio communication between radio fans, between radio fans and automatic radio devices (the answering machines, repeaters, repeaters including established on space objects). Bands of frequencies, capacities and types of radiation permited amateur radio stations of coherent class are specified in appendix 1 to these rules.

Amateur radio stations of technical class are intended for providing competitions in sports radio direction finding, radio amateur triathlon and all-round competitions, relaying of signals of amateur radio stations, the organization of radio beacons and radio control by models and systems of amateur telemechanics. Bands of frequencies, capacities and types of radiation permited amateur radio stations of technical class are specified in appendix 2 to these rules.

5. The category of amateur radio station of the Republic of Kazakhstan is appropriated according to qualification of the owner of amateur radio station. For the purpose of determination of qualification of person wishing to get the permission to operate of amateur radio station (further - the applicant) the third category or to increase category to the second category, in the territory of each area of the Republic of Kazakhstan under territorial subdivisions of authorized state body in the field of communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - territorial authority) the qualification commission is created.

The territorial qualification commission consists of at least three and no more than five people. The radio fans having the permission to operate of amateur radio station of category "extra" or 1 category and length of service on air of at least five years are part of the commission.

6. For determination of qualification of persons wishing to increase category to the first or "Extra" under authorized state body in the field of communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - authorized body) the highest qualification commission which consists at least of three and no more than of five people is created. The radio fans having the permission to operate of amateur radio station of category "Extra" and the employee of the authorized body supervising radio amateurism questions are part of the commission.

7. The authorized body publishes in mass media the declaration of the beginning of registration of a statement of persons wishing to participate in work territorial and the highest qualification the commissions. Statements are adopted and registered within 30 calendar days from the date of publication in mass media of the declaration. The authorized body creates structure qualification the commissions, considering qualification category of the radio fan, judicial categories and sports ranks on radio sport, length of service on air of applicants. The authorized body within 10 working days from the date of the end of reception of applications approves candidacies of the chairman and members of the qualification commissions and publishes them in mass media.

8. Determination of qualification of radio fans is carried out in the form of examination. Examination is held on knowledge of requirements of these rules, and also bases of electro and radio engineering, safe engineering and rules of work on air according to the list specified in appendix 3 to these rules.

9. The procedure of holding examinations in assessment of qualification of applicants for receipt of radio amateur categories is all qualification commissions, single and obligatory for use, operating in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

10. The applicant for opening of amateur radio station or to increase category of amateur radio station, direct to the relevant qualification commission the application in any form. The qualification commissions independently determine time, and also the venue of examination and in writing notifies the applicant.

13. By results of examination the conclusion of the qualification commission about compliance and/or mismatch of its knowledge and skills of this or that category of amateur radio station according to appendix 4 to these rules is issued to the applicant. The conclusion is confirmed by signatures of members of the qualification commission and is stored in territorial authority.

14. Skill test of members of collective radio station is carried out by her head. By results of skill test they are allowed to carrying out radio communication on those ranges and those types of radiation which correspond to their qualification.

In case of availability of statements from authorized body for mismatch of the owner of this or that amateur radio station of the category appropriated to it, or availability of the established violations allowed by it, the highest qualification commission conducts additional interview then it makes the decision on compliance or change of category, and reports about the decision in authorized body. 2351a5e196

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