NASA has released a void-filled version of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission digital elevation model, known as "SRTM Plus" or SRTM NASA Version 3. SRTM Plus uses SRTM Version 2 (see below) where the radar interferometric method was successful (not void). Most voids are filled with elevation data from the ASTER GDEM2 (Global Digital Elevation Model Version 2). ASTER is a sensor on NASA's Terra satellite that uses stereoscopic imaging to measure elevations via optical parallax where not obscured by clouds. Additional void filling of small areas used the GMTED2010 elevation model compiled by the US Geological Survey. SRTM Plus was produced under NASA's "Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments" (MEaSUREs) Program.

Engineers and scientists at JPL are currently working on a complete reprocessing of the original SRTM radar data in order to produce an improved near-global digital elevation model (DEM) to be called NASADEM. As with SRTM Plus, this work is funded under NASA's "Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments" (MEaSUREs) Program. In brief, the expected improvements include (1) fine vertical adjustments within and among individual shuttle data takes via reference to precise ICESat (Ice, Cloud, and land satellite) laser profiles, (2) void reduction via improved radar interferometric processing, (3) use of better fill data in the remaining voids, especially ASTER GDEM3 when available, and (4) improved quality assessments and adjustments. This project is scheduled for completion in 2017, but we expect to release interim products in 2016 and early 2017.

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Has anyone tried or know if the msfs marketplace version of the f-104 starfighter has a working radar,it says every thing is fully functional in the discreption but it cost 7 dollars cheaper than the one on justflight.And if it does have radar does anyone know what it is missing since it is cheaper?I could not find anywere on there facebook page were they said what the differnce would be between the two.


The style of the BR 03-92 Red Radar Ceramic version is as modern asever. Its display breaks traditional watchmaking codes by revisiting thegraphics of an aircraft control radar. The time can be read via a system ofrotating discs, combined with an analogue hand. The dial is covered with redsapphire crystal. In constant pursuit of innovation and performance, Bell &Ross has now chosen to use ceramic. This high-tech material is scratch-resistant,yet soft to the touch.

Previously I madea simple frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) radar that was able todetect distance of a human sized object to 100 m. It worked, but as it was madewith minimal budget and there was a lot of room for improvement.

Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar works by transmitting a chirpwhich frequency changes linearly with time. This chirp is then radiated with theantenna, reflected from the target and is received by the receiving antenna. Onthe reception side the received signal that was delayed and undelayed copy ofthe transmitted chirp are mixed (multiplied) together. The output of the mixerare two sine waves that have frequencies of sum and difference of the waveforms.The frequencies of the received signals are almost the same and the sum waveformhas frequency of about two times of the original signal and is filtered out, butthe difference waveform has frequency in kHz to few MHz range. The differencefrequency is dependent on the delay of the received reflection signal making itpossible to determine the delay of the reflected signal. The electromagneticwaves travel at speed of light which allows converting the delay to distanceaccurately. When there are several targets the output signal is sum of differentfrequencies and the distances to the targets can be recovered efficiently withFourier transform.

where \(P_t\) is the transmitted power, \(G\) is gain of the antennas, \(\lambda\) iswavelength, \(\sigma\) is the radar cross section of the target and\(P_{\text{min}}\) is the minimum detectable signal power.

Determining the correct noise bandwidth to be used is critical and easy to getwrong. Noise bandwidth is clearly smaller than the sweep bandwidth since the IFfilter filters most of the RF noise out. IF filter bandwidth determines thenoise power that makes it to the ADC, but that is not the noise bandwidth to beused since some of the noise can be clearly filtered out after taking the FFT.When FFT is taken of the IF signal the total RF noise is split equally to eachFFT bin. Bandwidth of one FFT bin is the noise bandwidth of the receiver and thebandwidth that should be used in the calculation. Bandwidth of one FFT bindepends only of the lenght of the FFT. With FMCW radar FFT length equals lengthof one sweep, \(t_s\) and bandwidth of one FFT bin is \(1/t_s\).

Plugging the values above to the radar equation the maximum range that radar cansee a human sized 1 m cross-section target can be solved to be 320 m. Thetarget size does have a big effect, for example a bird sized target withcross-section of 0.01 m can be detected only below 102 m. The transmitted powerin the table is somewhat pessimistic to include losses from antennas, cables andPCB.

This would be correct for radar looking at air, but when the radar antennas arelooking at a low angle there is going to be problem with clutter that candecrease the SNR. When angle of the antennas is low and the radar is on a flatground there is going to be returns from the ground from basically every range.Returns from other objects such as trees, buildings and other objects can alsooverlap the target signal decreasing the signal to noise ratio.

To generate multiple beams for generating an image the simple way would be torepeat the summing of signals for different phase shifts. A more efficient wayto synthesize multiple beam is possible using Fourier transform. For radarsignals we want to first take FFT of the each ADC signal to move to frequencydomain. Each bin of the FFT corresponding to different distances has amplitudeand phase of the echo signal. Next all the Fourier transformed signals are placed inarray and a second FFT is taken across the antenna dimension. This isequivalent to summing the signals with different phase shifts. Zero paddingthe array before taking the FFT is necessary to get some resolution to theoutput. Otherwise we would only get same number of beams as there are antennas.

At low frequencies/distances there is some signals visible. The lowest bin is DCand is probably caused by the IF amplifier and ADC DC offset and FFT windowing. Atlittle bit higher frequencies there are some genuine targets probably fromceiling and walls. If I wave my hand over the radar I can see the targetsmoving. It seems that the microstrip lines on the board radiate enough thatradar can detect some nearby targets without antennas. A similar issue could beseen with my homemade VNA.Unlike with the VNA, isolation is not too important with FMCW radar because itwill only cause targets at very low distances.

You can tell from the video that I start and end the video at left side of theradar (positive cross range). Walking in front of the radar at the beginningshadows the background targets and also causes some clipping at IF due to thestrong reflections.

From the plot it can be seen that during the capture there five cars going awayfrom the radar and one car and one bicyclist coming towards. Car speeds can becalculated from the graph by simply dividing the traveled distance by time ittook to travel it. There are better ways for measuring the speed, but I'm too lazyto implement them. The solved speeds are around 60 to 70 km/h. The speed limitis 80 km/h so all of them seem to be driving little below the speed limit, butI guess that makes sense as there are traffic lights just after me.

The changes in the newest version fixed the problems in the previous version andthe performance of the radar seems very good. Two receiver channels allowsdetermining the angle of the target, but the angle resolution with only tworeceiver antennas is not too good. The angle resolution is limited by thephysics and getting more resolution would need more antennas. Multiple switchedreceiver antennas are on my todo list.

Well, It is a good question. Garmin is usually updating products every 2 years, and FCC requests for their radars are matching this pattern, but I am afraid that they already released their new radar - a wired version of radar - Cannondale SmartSense

When first starting with the FA-18, it is not clear what some of the radar settings do, or what factors will affect detection ranges in DCS. Some factors may be modeled, not modeled, be weird, or change as the game is updated.

edit: To underscore the importance of PRF, if you are using INTL sometimes when you STT a target the radar will randomly pick MED. If the target is too far away, this will cause the STT lock to be lost, and you have to start over. Strongly recommend exclusively using HI. Keep an eye on it, because sometimes it'll switch back to INTL or MED when you switch modes.

So many things to improve in the radar modelling. ED needs to make a good compromise because the subject is tricky and hugely difficult to make right, but definetely there are some scripting or tweaking that without going too far would increase playability and better represente real tactical options, some examples for me are: e24fc04721

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