Attack-Resilient AI-Empowered Autonomous

Cyber-Physical Systems

Project Overview

The recent fast advance of artificial intelligence technologies enables various autonomous cyber-physical systems (e.g., autonomous vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles) to accomplish sophisticated tasks in real-world environment. However, the cyber components of these systems face increasing threats from adversaries. This project will study both the internal and external attacks on sensor data, i.e., sensor data corruption by attackers who have obtained access to the system’s sensors and adversarial examples that can be implemented by introducing tiny changes to the system’s environment. The existing studies (this, this, and this) have shown the feasibility of such attacks on several deployed software systems for vehicle driver-assistance and drones. This project will design attack detection and thwarting approaches and develop their efficient implementations suitable for embedded hardware accelerators. Moreover, this project will construct a testbed to capture representative cyber components of autonomous cyber-physical systems. It facilitates the design, evaluation, and demonstration of the threats and countermeasures. The demonstration will reinforce the relevant industry’s awareness on the criticality of the studied threats.

Project Team

This project is a collaborative effort between School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Advanced Digital Sciences Center (ADSC) and Coordinated Science Laboratory (CSL) of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).


From project

Yuqing Zhu, Sridhar Adepu, Ying Yang, Kushagra Dixit, Xin Lou.

The 8th Workshop On The Security Of Industrial Control Systems & Of Cyber-Physical Systems (CyberICPS), in Conjunction With ESORICS, September 26-30, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.

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This project is supported by the National Research Foundation, Singapore and National University of Singapore through its National Satellite of Excellence in Trustworthy Software Systems (NSOE-TSS) office under the Trustworthy Computing for Secure Smart Nation Grant (TCSSNG) award no. NSOE-TSS2020-01.


Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not reflect the views of National Research Foundation, Singapore and National University of Singapore (including its National Satellite of Excellence in Trustworthy Software Systems (NSOE-TSS) office).