
My research supports decision maker in the health care sectore to handle current challenges and to make best possible decisions on the basis of available data. Predominantly, I work in the area of operating room planning, process management in Emergency Departments, and efficient planning and management of scares resources such as inpatient or intensive care beds or staff.

With simulation and optimisation models, relavant uncertain aspects of the planning and its complexity an be adequately captured. I aim to include decision makers from the start of a new research project in order to support approval of modelling and, most importantly, to ensure usefulness of the proposed models and solutions.

Awards & Funding

In 2017, I was awarded the inaugural Prof Steve Gallivan Award by the European Working Group Operational Research Applied to Health Services. The award recognised effective collaboration between academics and practitioners which was presented in a talk "What is the required number of beds for a Clinical Decision Unit? - Insights from a knowledge transfer project".

Between 2015 and 2020, I have attracted approximately 100k EUR worth of funding from different sources in the UK and in Germany. Lately, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), has awarded 51k EUR to support the development of a European network of young rearchers of which I am a co-lead.

Current projects

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