Topics / Sessions

All workshops and conferences are customized to meet the participants' needs in: duration (length of time of workshop and/or individual sessions), content and hands-on activities. Sessions can be regrouped or expanded. Workshops and conferences can be presented in English or French.

Customized Sessions / Sessions personnalisés:

  • Content for Different Proficiency Levels

  • Process for Different Proficiency Levels

  • Product for Different Proficiency Levels

  • Adapting Teaching the Target Language to Heritage Speakers

  • Multiple Intelligences: how to identify your students' to best help them learn

  • The Productive-presentational Mode of Communication & Classroom Activities

  • The Interpretive Mode & Classroom Activities

  • The Interpersonal Mode & Classroom Activities

  • How to make the classroom more inclusive by including diversity in used/presented materials

  • Activités ludiques pour un enseignement et un apprentissage efficace et amusant

  • Comprendre la personnalité et le style d'apprentissage de chaque élève pour les aider à mieux apprendre.

  • Comment maintenir ses compétences linguistiques | How to maintain language skills

  • Simple Tools for your Online Classes

  • Outils simples à utiliser pour vos cours en Visio

  • How to successfully raise bilingual / multilingual / multicultural children

  • Comment réussir à élever des enfants bilingues / polyglottes / multiculturels

  • Personalities & Perspectives (based on Process Model Communication)

  • Comment créer un environnement propice à aider nos élèves à mieux apprendre

  • Implementing Learning Styles in the Classroom

  • The Learning Curve in Teaching Online

  • Maintaining Good Classroom Management Throughout the Semester

  • Use or Overuse of Technology in Teaching?

  • Creating an Interactive Syllabus

  • Connecting Students to the Subject Taught

  • Engaging the 21st Century Student

  • Connecting Students to the Subject Taught – in and out of the classroom (with Professor Paulino Mendoza)

  • Creative Instructional Classroom Activities (with Professor Margarita Baca, Professor Diane Lopez & Professor Paulino Mendoza)

  • 3 activities to keep your students engaged

  • Creativity in Online Teaching: Videos (with Pilar Hernandez, Paulino Mendoza & Sharzhard Zahedi)

  • Syllabus – A to Z

  • Ways to bring the Real World in the Classroom

  • Time-Saving Tools for Instructors

  • Motivating the Unmotivated to Learn a Language

  • Budgeting & Money-Saving Tips

  • Four Activities to Promote Classroom Engagement

  • Understanding 3rd Culture Students

  • Recipe for creating a good classroom environment

*Many of these were presented multiple times.