Please click on the arrows below to learn more about my expectations for this year. 

Be Present & Prepared

Students are expected to be present in class.  

Be on time.

Do not work on assignments for other classes in AVID, unless it is a work day or you have completed your AVID assignments/activities for the day.

Do Your Best

Students are expected to do their best in each class. 

Advanced classes prepare students for success in future college-level advanced placement courses, college courses, and careers.

These courses will be challenging, but don't give up. 

Ask for help from your teacher and classmates.

Be Active

Students are expected to be active learners and participants in their classes. 

Participate in class debates, discussion boards, and group work. 

Ask questions.

Take notes on important information during each class. 

Have Integrity

Students are expected to have integrity and pride in their work. 

Complete each assignment to the best of your ability.

Don't allow friends to use your hard work as their own.

Working together with a friend on homework is great, but make sure you turn in your individual work. 

Be Yourself

Students are expected to bring their true self to the team. 

We are all unique pieces of the same puzzle.  So let your personality and creativity shine! 


Students are expected to communicate with their teachers if they have questions about an assignment, grade, or class attendance. 

Use email, Remind, or office hours to talk with your teachers. 

Remember to be kind and courteous  when talking to your teacher. 

Get Involved

Students are expected to get involved with extracurricular activities. 

Studies have shown that students who are active outside of class by participating  in clubs, sports, and organizations have a higher rate of academic success.