The 2nd Annual

'Race' and Socially Engaged Research: Open and Inclusive Conference for PGRs and ECRs

19th-20th June 2024 - Law and Management Building, University of York, UK

A two-day conference of panels, poster presentations, workshops and roundtable discussions, followed by a drinks reception with a keynote speaker



We will have several panellists presenting


and up to 20 posters and visual displays


alongside 8 invited roundtable speakers!

 Plus a keynote speaker at the Drinks Reception on 19th June 2024


Community Empowerment Through Ubuntu: embracing Scholar Activism for Decolonial Transformation inside and outside Academia

What’s Theory Got to Do With It? The Silly Archives, Film & TV, and Popular Trash as Cultural Revolution

Talking Objects: an exploration of objects as a tool for storytelling

The goal of this event is to provide a welcoming and open space for researchers in early career stages who conduct critical research pertaining to 'race', racialisation, and racism, in a socially engaged, liberatory and/or transformative manner. We also aim to build communities of scholar-activists across different institutions, disciplines and backgrounds

Building communities of dissent across disciplines

See our programme for further details of the event

Keep up with us and our updates on our Twitter page below!

Supported and Funded by:

Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Enterprise, Partnerships and Engagement Professor Kiran Trehan (UoY)

Building Research and Innovation Capacity Team (UoY)

Institute for Social Justice (YSJ)

Yorkshire Consortium for Equity in Doctoral Education (YCEDE)

Department of Politics and International Relations (UoY)