Race and CulturE Study Circle

About the Program

Our white brothers and sisters have reached out to us asking, "How can we help?" "What can we do to stand with you against racial injustices?" Our reply is, to stand with people of color, our white community must get educated on the issues that pertain to us.

That is why we have created Study Circles, a safe place to educate yourself through exposure and education. Are you competent to engage around the issue of race and culture in America? Do you know how to translate your desire to see change into meaningful and productive conversations with ethnic minorities?

Study Circles are an intensive six-week course that equips White people (called Participants) with the tools and information needed to effectively enter our nation's ethnic debates and affect change. By combining candid dialogue with ethnic people (called Ethnic Allies) and practical in-session and at-home exercises, Participants cultivate an understanding of the underlying racial issues and debates, and enter them with empathy and insight that adds value, not pain.

Study Circles are two hours in duration and meet once a week for six weeks. Each session is facilitated. Discussions are transparent, confidential, and respectful.

See Registration Form.

Join the Circle

Interested in becoming more effective at engaging in race relations or becoming an ethnic ally? Joining the Circle is easy. Sign up today for a Study Circle*.

Click here to register.

* We intentionally determine the makeup of each group; therefore, you will not be assigned immediately to a Study Circle. You will receive an email once you've been assigned to a group.

Circle fees?

Because of the overwhelming response to the Just Mercy video conference, we are discounting the regular price of the Study Circles by 50%. The regular price per person is $1,100 dollars.

  • Today's price for Participants is only $550! (Due when you are assigned to your Study Circle)

  • $3750 for organizational groups of five.

  • Compensation for Ethnic Allies is $25/hour (Many Ethnic Allies experience P.T.S.D when sharing their painful experiences of racism or discrimination. Studies have called this phenomenon "racial trauma" and it can occur in a Study Circle due to the re-exposure of race-based stress. Our data shows that incentives validate their experience and prevents discontinuation. Click here to read more about racial trauma.

We accept Cash App or PayPal.


Who: Adults age 18 or older

What: 6 Week Race and Cultural Study Circle with Ethnic Allies

When: Mondays 7:00 pm CST, 8:00 pm EST

July 27, August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

Where: Zoom (link will be provided after payment is received).

Fee: Because of the overwhelming response to the Just Mercy video conference, we are discounting the regular price of the Study Circles by 50%. The regular price per person is $1,100 dollars. Today's price is only $550 for individuals or $3750 for organizational/company groups of five. It is a one-time payment via Paypal or CashApp

Do you accept payment plans? Not at this time.

How are the groups set up? Each Study Circle has 10 members. Five of them will be Ethnic Allies (from various parts of the United States) and five will be Participants. This is done to ensure a maximum learning experience.

How many people in a Study Circle? 10 members, plus 2 facilitators.

How many Study Circles will there be? Varies based on Participant and Ethnic Ally interest.

So what exactly will we do each week? Each week there will be a theme that you will be discussing based off the assigned homework. Click here for the topic overview. The discussion will be led by moderators.

What do I need to participate? All Study Circles take place online, so you will need access to wi-fi, a computer or phone with camera.

Do I have to use a camera for the Study Circle? Yes, it is very important that all Participants and Ethnic Allies are seen visibly and able to have eye-contact for effective communication and understanding.

How do I register as a Participant or Ethnic ally? Click Here.

How do I register as a group or organization? If you are interested in having members of your organization participate in a customized Study Circle please email murray.ayanna@gmail.com

Can I invite my friends to participate? Yes, but we cannot guarantee you will be in the same Study Circle.

Why are you compensating the Ethnic Allies? It is painful to relive stories of racial harassment and discrimination. Many Ethnic Allies experience P.T.S.D when sharing their painful experiences of racism or discrimination. Studies have called this phenomenon "racial trauma" and that is why they are incentivized to participate for the full six weeks. Our data shows that incentives validate their experience and prevents discontinuation. Click here to read more about racial trauma.

How are Ethnic Allies selected? Ethnic Allies are selected based off the current need of individual Study Circle group. These individuals will come from various ethnic, socio-economic, and demographic backgrounds. They will be assigned as needed.

Do I have to attend each session? Yes. Space is limited to 10 people per Study Circle and slots will only be given to those who can attend each session.

If I miss a session, will I be able to view a recording of the Study Circle? Unfortunately, due to the highly sensitive nature of the Study Circle we will not be recording the sessions.

When I complete the Study Circle, will I receive a certificate? Yes! You will receive a Certificate of Completion.

If I have additional questions, who do I contact? You can email: murray.ayanna@gmail.com

Event Flyer

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