A desktop application in C++ is a native application that can access the full set of Windows APIs, and either runs in a window or in the system console. Desktop applications in C++ can run on Windows XP through Windows 11 (although Windows XP is no longer officially supported and there are many new Windows APIs since then).

There are several broad categories of Windows applications that you can create with C++, described below. Each has its own programming model and set of Windows-specific libraries. The C++ standard library and third-party C++ libraries can be used in any of them.

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A native desktop client application, or Win32 application, is a Windows desktop application written in C or C++ that uses native Windows C APIs or Component Object Model (COM) APIs CRT and Standard Library APIs, and 3rd party libraries. A Win32 application that runs in a window requires the developer to handle Windows messages inside a Windows procedure function. Despite the name, a Win32 application can be compiled as a 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) binary. In the Visual Studio IDE, the terms x86 and Win32 are synonymous.

The Universal Windows Platform (UWP) is the modern Windows API. UWP apps run on Windows 11, Windows 10, XBox, Windows Phone, Surface Hub, and other devices. UWP apps use XAML for the user-interface, and are fully touch-enabled. A desktop application is distinct from a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app.

In Windows 10 and later, you can package your existing desktop application or COM object as a UWP app. It can use UWP features such as touch, or call APIs from the modern Windows API set. You can also add a UWP app to a desktop solution in Visual Studio, package them together in a single package, and use Windows APIs to communicate between them.

Visual Studio 2017 version 15.4 and later lets you create a Windows Application Package Project to greatly simplify the work of packaging your existing desktop application. A few restrictions apply to the registry calls or APIs your desktop application can use. However, in many cases you can create alternate code paths to achieve similar functionality while running in an app package.

.NET features the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) for rich graphics, and you can consume both Win32 and the modern Windows Runtime API. As a general rule, we recommend using C++ for desktop applications when you require:

Many Windows components are implemented as COM objects and follow standard COM rules for object creation, interface discovery, and object destruction. Using COM objects from C++ desktop applications is relatively straightforward, but writing your own COM object is more advanced.

An MFC application is a Windows desktop application that uses the Microsoft Foundation Classes to create the user interface. An MFC application can also use COM components and CRT and Standard Library APIs.

MFC provides convenient helper classes for window management, serialization, text manipulation, printing, and modern user interface elements such as the ribbon. To be effective with MFC, you should be familiar with Win32.

Many Windows programming scenarios also require the Windows SDK, which includes the header files that enable access to the Windows operating system components. By default, Visual Studio installs the Windows SDK as a component of the C++ Desktop workload, which enables development of Universal Windows apps. To develop UWP apps, you need a Windows 10 or later version of the Windows SDK.

A tutorial for programmers wishing to write applications for Windows using the C programming language and the native Win32 application programming interface (API). Programs written using this book run under every version of Windows from Windows 95 through Windows XP and beyond. Knowledge of C is required.

A tutorial for programmers wishing to write applications for Windows using Visual Basic .NET and the Windows Forms class library. This book is a translation of my book Programming Microsoft Windows with C# from the C# programming language to Visual Basic .NET.

For program source code, go to the Microsoft Press page and click Companion Content at the right, or download individual source code files and executables from or the complete CD as ProgWinVB.zip (709K).

Download individual source code files and executables from or the complete diskette as ProgWin95.zip (1.06M). Chapters 12 and 20 contain material that I do not hold the copyright on and are not included.

This book shows C programmers how to write applications for the OS/2 2.1 Presentation Manager. The book is an update of the Microsoft Press book Programming the OS/2 Presentation Manager. The earlier book was based on the 16-bit OS/2 1.1 environment; this one focuses on the 32-bit OS/2 2.1 environment. Download individual source code file from , or the original contents of the companion diskette from

The only catch is that some languages' runtime libraries are quite big, so it's common for smaller programs not to include the entire language runtime and instead expects it to be preinstalled on the machine to keep its own download size small.

Ultimately it depends on what you wanted to do. If you wanted to just make simple scripts, probably .bat scripts will do just fine. If you wanted something simple and fast, then you can write native executable in C, otherwise if you want to do something a bit more complex and you're fine with the larger download size if you can keep your own program simple, or if you can later get admin to preinstall your preferred runtime on your target machines, then high level languages like Python or Ruby would be great options.

ActiveX controller - a deprecated framework that allows libraries to be ran both in the browser (internet explorer) and on the machine itself. But turned out it was a big security issue and turned off as a functionality from the browsers. Though still the easiest way to programatically connect to MS Office programs and some OS stuff. COM objects are basically the same thing.

Batch files (executed by cmd.exe) - the default shell since WindowsNT. Batch files have .bat or .cmd extensions (Windows batch files: .bat vs .cmd?) . The 32bit versions of even latest version of Windows still have the the cmd.exe predecessor - command.com which has less capabilites than cmd.exe. Through RUNDLL32.exe batch files have some limited access to some built-in .dll libraries ( -rundll32-commands-list-windows-10-a.html). And through WMIC.exe also have some limited access to the WMI classes. Batch files can becomre extremly powerfull if you embed another language within - you can call C#, powershell, jscript and etc. languages from a .bat file.

WQL - as the WMIC was mentioned above WMI classes support their own query language that can be used through the WMIC or the provided interfaces for the other languages. It is not complicated and can be useful.

WSH - Windows script host. Not EXAXTLY its own language. Rather an engine that allows another languages to be registered to it. I.e. VBscript and Jscript are using WSH and registered by default. There are implementations of Perl, Ruby, PHP and etc. using WSH. Though the languages installed by default are Jscirpt and VBscript. BUT.. you can combine a code of few languages registered to WSH in a Windows Script File (.wsf) ( _Script_File) and even call functions written in another language. WSH alloes you to access Active X controllers and WMI classes. Cannot access DLL functions (at least cannot without third party binaries and durty hacks)

HTML - of course if you create a .html file it will be open by default browser if double clicked. Though you can add javascript (and css) and do some useful stuff with it you have no acess to the file system of your machine (except for uploading files). And here come the HTA .. which is in the next point.

HTA - which should mean HTML application. The FASTEST way to create UI under windows (though is limited in capabilites). HTA files are handled by mshta.exe which is something like a special version of internet explorer which have access to the OS. You can call other executables, create files and etc. Besides HTML it supports javascipt and vbscript though some of the WSH capabilities are not directly accessible (i.e. printing to the console is more verbose). You can use the tag "X-UA-Compatible" to siwth to older versions of internet explorer/hta which have some functions turned of for security reasons or newer versions in order to access the newer versions of javascript. HTA has access to ActiveX and WMI.

C# - installed by default from Windows 7 and above. Though does not include IDE but only a command line compiler under %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\ . C# is the most powerfull language from the .NET family and you can everything that windows offer with it. You have access to the DLLs (through pinvoke) , ActiveX, WMI, .net functions. You can create UI applications and etc.

JScript.net - deprecated version of the .net languages though the compiler is still there. Again superset of ecmascript 1.4. It is convenient for short script though as do not require main function. Have access to ActiveX, WMI and .net functions. Platform Invoke (i.e. access to the dll functions) is not implemned.

MSBUILD - part of .net used to compile a whole project (described in a xml file) instead of a single files. The interesing part is that the latest versions have something called inline task in which you can use any of the .NET languages and also combine more than one language and call one inline task from another. UNLIKE the other .net options you dont need to compile the code - it will executed directly in-memory (i.e. will not create additional .exe file). Like WSH it is not EXACTLY its own language. Inline tasks are avaiable with the latest versions of windows 10 though.

Powershell - Again based on .NET but it is its own thing. It is a command line shell (as the name suggests) and is much more powerfull than cmd.exe. Ut us installed by default on windows since windows 8. The coolest part - wht windows inludes by default powershell ISE - it's own IDE! One more cool thing - powershell can call code written in C#,VB.NET or Jscript.net through TypeDefinition (not availbale in the earlier versions of powershell though). Have access ot the .net libraries , ActiveX objects, WMI. With the TypeDefinitions and c# you can access also some dll functions. 152ee80cbc

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