Ok, I tried the wiki, the man pages and searched the forums.

Somehow I remember seeing a post entitled "How many packages on your machine?" and there was a pacman query option to give you a total number of them installed. Something like:

On many distributions and the BSDs there are ways to determine the number of packages in the distro's enabled repositories, e.g. on FreeBSD you could use pkg stats, is there such a way with Ubuntu? I know how to count the number of installed packages, namely using:

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which on my Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver (developmental version) system returns 1962 (and yes I know not to rely on the stability of a developmental release, as things can and often do break, this is just a system for me to satisfy my curiosity about the new release to come), but how do I count all packages in its enabled repositories?

Any of the default Equipment Modes (Maintenance, Changeover, Disabled, Production, Other) or custom modes that you have created are valid options. Modes have options for whether production counts are captured or included in OEE. You can use this mode to determine if you want to capture counts, i.e. for setup scrap, but not include it in OEE metrics for this production run.

Any of the default Equipment Modes (Maintenance, Changeover, Disabled, Production, Other) or custom modes that you have created are valid options. Modes have options for whether production counts are captured or included in OEE. You can use this mode to determine if you want to capture counts or obtain OEE metrics for this type of run, i.e. New Product Introduction or Testing.

Although the infeed count is used to calculate OEE Performance, the Standard Rate value should be based on the outfeed units. In other words, how many units, whether individual or packaged, does the line generate over a given period of time. Consider the example when the infeed count is in bottles and outfeed count is in cases with a package count of 10 bottles per case. If the OEE Standard Rate is set to 100 per hour, 1000 bottles must have been counted at the infeed after one hour of runtime for OEE performance to equal 100%. Alternatively, if no infeed count was provided, a combination of 90 cases of good product and 100 rejected bottles must be counted after one hour of runtime, to also equal 100%.

The equipment that provides the infeed count for the line. Available options are the line itself or any cell on the line. The Infeed Count value comes from the tag associated with the line or cell as defined in the Production Model Designer. See MES Counters page for more details.

Imagine a scenario where we are counting strokes on a stamping press for our infeed count, but the number of parts created by the stroke is dependent upon the die set in the press or the product that is being made.

Care needs to be taken on how waste is counted. By default waste is considered to be in the same units as the infeed count, so in OEE calculations, it is divided by the Package Count. If the waste value provided is in fact in the same units as the outfeed count units (cases, for example) then the waste count must be multiplied by the same value as the package count. The reject count scale setting can be used to handle this.

The equipment that provides the outfeed count for the line. Available options are the line itself or any cell on the line. The outfeed count value comes from the tag associated with the line or cell as defined in the Production Model Designer. See MES Counters page for more details.

The Package Count is a float value that provides a mechanism for associating the value of the outfeed count to the value of the infeed count. It is only used internally to calculate OEE values and does not modify the infeed, waste or production counts. Those are recorded as set up.

Care needs to be taken on how waste is counted. By default waste is considered to be in the same units as the infeed count for OEE calculations. If the waste count value provided is in the same units as the outfeed count units (cases, for example) then the waste count must be multiplied by the same value as the package count. The reject count scale setting can be used to handle this.

I have a 'security verified' app exchange package that I installed on my dev org, and if I go to the installed package , I see the 'Count towards limits' checkbox checked. The same is the case with a non app exchange not security reviewed package version that I installed on another developer org. That also has the 'Count towards Limits' checkbox checked.

and from it, I can infer that custom fields, no matter an app exchange package or a regular managed package WILL count towards the limit. The same seems to be case from my developer org tests, but just want to make sure, and confirm from any other documentations as well.

Each Edition is allowed a certain number of fields per object; this is a "soft" limit. Packages granted special permission are allowed to exceed those limits, and do not count towards the soft limit. However, each object also has a "hard" limit that cannot be exceeded. This is called out in the Custom Fields Allowed Per Object documentation, which is 900, as of Summer 21, for most standard and custom objects, except for a few, like Activities.

If I wanted to utilize more of the functionality, and get a summary of two variables, while also naming my output column, I could do that as well (see below). This will count the number of each combination, ie the number of 4 cylinder 3 gear cars, the number of 4 cylinder 4 gear cars, etc.

Azure Artifacts is a highly scalable package management solution that enables developers to create, host, and share different types of packages. In this article, we will cover the size and count limits that developers should be aware of when using Azure Artifacts. Some of these limits are imposed by the client tools that Azure Artifacts integrates with (example nuget.exe).

The seemingly straightforward task of analysing faecal egg counts resulting from laboratory procedures such as the McMaster technique has, in reality, a number of complexities. These include Poisson errors in the counting technique which result from eggs being randomly distributed in well mixed faecal samples. In addition, counts between animals in a single experimental or observational group are nearly always over-dispersed. We describe the R package "eggCounts" that we have developed that incorporates both sampling error and over-dispersion between animals to calculate the true egg counts in samples of faeces, the probability distribution of the true counts and summary statistics such as the 95% uncertainty intervals. Based on a hierarchical Bayesian framework, the software will also rigorously estimate the percentage reduction of faecal egg counts and the 95% uncertainty intervals of data generated by a faecal egg count reduction test. We have also developed a user friendly web interface that can be used by those with limited knowledge of the R statistical computing environment. We illustrate the package with three simulated data sets of faecal egg count reduction experiments.

TCC (an acronym for Tag Count Comparison) is an R package that provides a series of functions for differential expression analysis of tag count data. The package incorporates multi-step normalization methods, whose strategy is to remove potential DEGs before performing the data normalization. The normalization function based on this DEG elimination strategy (DEGES) includes (i) the original TbT method based on DEGES for two-group data with or without replicates, (ii) much faster methods for two-group data with or without replicates, and (iii) methods for multi-group comparison. TCC provides a simple unified interface to perform such analyses with combinations of functions provided by edgeR, DESeq, and baySeq. Additionally, a function for generating simulation data under various conditions and alternative DEGES procedures consisting of functions in the existing packages are provided. Bioinformatics scientists can use TCC to evaluate their methods, and biologists familiar with other R packages can easily learn what is done in TCC.

DEGES in TCC is essential for accurate normalization of tag count data, especially when up- and down-regulated DEGs in one of the samples are extremely biased in their number. TCC is useful for analyzing tag count data in various scenarios ranging from unbiased to extremely biased differential expression. TCC is available at -tokyo.ac.jp/~kadota/TCC/ and will appear in Bioconductor ( ) from ver. 2.13.

High-throughput sequencing (HTS), also known as next-generation sequencing (NGS), is widely used to identify biological features such as RNA transcript expression and histone modification to be quantified as tag count data by RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) analyses [1, 2]. In particular, differential expression analysis based on tag count data has become a fundamental task for identifying differentially expressed genes or transcripts (DEGs). Such count-based technology covers a wide range of gene expression level [3-6]. Several R [7] packages have been developed for this purpose [8-14].

In general, the procedure for identifying DEGs from tag count data consists of two steps: data normalization and identification of DEGs (or gene ranking), and each R package has its own methods for these steps. For example, the R package edgeR[8] uses a global scaling method, the trimmed mean of M values (TMM) method [15], in the data normalization step and an exact test for the negative binomial (NB) distribution [16] in the identification step. The estimated normalization factors are used within the statistical model for differential analysis and gene lists ranked in ascending order of p-value (or the derivative) are produced. Naturally, a good normalization method combined with a DEG identification method, should produce well-ranked gene lists in which true DEGs are top ranked and non-DEGs are bottom ranked according to the confidence or degree of differential expression (DE). Recent studies have demonstrated that the normalization method has more impact than the DEG identification method on the gene list ranking [17, 18]. 17dc91bb1f

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