Currently my trigger for the workflow is when the data in a certain field changes. My Action is to "Alert Someone" When I click on the three dots in the upper right corner of that section of the workflow and click "Advanced Options" the only options that display are "Column Visibility". If I click "Display only these columns, I can choose a field for "An Attachment" however, even if I check that box when the email is sent there are no attachments in it.

As an alternative, you could set up an Update Request type of workflow. Then lock all the columns you don't want them to edit, and set up perhaps one "checkbox" update to verify they received the email (or something similar). The Update Request form in the email will contain the attachments to view, but the user will need to open the form to see them.

R Download Email Attachment

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There currently isn't a way to customize where the attachments appear in the emailed alert or the Update Request. Please provide your feedback to our product team by adding your vote and voice to this related Product Idea: Automations: include attachments

Thanks. I saw that, however, when I click on "Advanced Options" I don't get an option for anything but choosing columns. If I choose "An Attachment" it still doesn't attach an attachment in the email the receipient receives from the automation. Maybe its a bug? Have you successfully used it?

Wanted to come back and close this loop. I'm not sure what I did to get it to work but my automation will now include an attachment if I check the "An Attachments" box on the Advanced Options. However, one thing I discovered is that if you have multiple attachments on the row, the newest document that was attached to the row is the one that is sent to the user in the automated email notification. There doesn't seem to be a way to designate or control which attachment is sent.

I am having this same issue. I am using a form to pull in Legal Requests. That information loads into the Smartsheet with attachments, also generates an email notifying a Legal Administrator of the new Legal Request. The legal administrator then adds a couple items to the row and saves that information before assigning. This generates an email to the assigned person, but the items that are shown in the email are not consistent with what is checked off in the Advanced Settings. i.e., attachments. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Can you describe your process in more detail and maybe share the sheet(s)/copies of the sheet(s) or some screenshots? (Delete/replace any confidential/sensitive information before sharing) That would make it easier to help. (share too, [email protected])

Thanks for responding, I have a web form that collects information that goes to Legal Department for Legal requests. This is set to generate a notification to an email for (LegalRequests) which is an email inbox and directly to a Legal Administrator. This email has attached emails. Everything works great here.

Now, the problem is when the Legal administrator reviews the incoming request and adds a few items, for instance, manually inputs "date assigned", then assigns to the specified attorney, which generates an email. The workflow has the specific information that is marked for the attorneys to see, as well as the Attachments, however, the Attachments are not coming through. I hope this helps. Thank you again.

I am having trouble with Smartsheets not sending not sending attachments. I have it currently set up where I have to approve it before the email gets sent out. Once I approve it I have a separate automation send an email to group 1 or group 2 based on which option they pick in the form. At first I was having trouble with it sending two rows at once and now it wont send the attachment. I have the email include the {{name}} so it will send one at a time. I have the automation start with approved or decline. I need it so it will send the attachment but only when there is one, sometimes one is not added. Please help!

An email attachment is a computer file sent along with an email message. One or more files can be attached to any email message, and be sent along with it to the recipient. This is typically used as a simple method to share documents and images.

Originally, ARPANET, UUCP, and Internet SMTP email allowed 7-bit ASCII text only. Text files were emailed by including them in the message body. In the mid 1980s text files could be grouped with UNIX tools such as bundle[1][2] and shar (shell archive)[3] and included in email message bodies, allowing them to be unpacked on remote UNIX systems with a single shell command.

Modern email systems use the MIME standard, making email attachments more utilitarian and seamless. This was developed by Nathaniel Borenstein and collaborator Ned Freed[8][9] - with the standard being officially released as RFC2045 in 1996.

With MIME, a message and all its attachments are encapsulated in a single multipart message, with base64 encoding used to convert binary into 7-bit ASCII text - or on some modern mail servers, optionally full 8-bit support via the 8BITMIME extension.

As an example, when Google's Gmail service increased its arbitrary limit to 25MB it warned that: "you may not be able to send larger attachments to contacts who use other email services with smaller attachment limits".[11][12]

Also note that all these size limits are based, not on the original file size, but the MIME-encoded copy. The common Base64 encoding adds about 37% to the original file size, meaning that an original 20MB file could exceed a 25MB file attachment limit.[13]A 10MB email size limit would require that the size of the attachment files is actually limited to about 7MB.

Since the ILOVEYOU and Anna Kournikova worms of 2000 and 2001, email systems have increasingly added layers of protection to prevent potential malware. Now, many block certain types of attachments.[20][21]

I understand there is a bug with SMTP for attachments and I have tried following the solution by using this format in FX mode but all this does is send an email with an attachment that is not in the correct format.

I don't know if this is still an issue but I was able to send a file as an attachment using an SMTP query by storing the info I get from my API Query file in a transformer and passing the transformer's value as the attachment in the SMTP query. Below are a couple screenshots of my queries:

We have a similar use case where we need field staff to take some photos and add them to a form, complete other relevant fields, and then have the form emailed to the email address that is one of the fields in the form.

Right now we are doing this, and more, by using a custom html form that sits on another site. We create a pdf of the completed form, including the attached images, email the pdf to the email address that was included in the email field on the form, then use Integromat to transfer the data to a monday board, and add attachments as an update against the newly created item.

+1 on this feature. Ideally just attaching the files from filetype column to the email as an actual attachment.

Or a second way to make it work is if the monday links to those files would be accessible to people without a monday account.

This really needs to be accounted for, since its a really big set back when using the platform, specially on Finance reports and invoices. The file column should be able to attach files or links to files without requiring or demanding the login process. We understand perfectly this is part of the security on but we really need it to be available on notifications and on email integrations, specially since the onedrive integration simply drops the link away when sending the email.

I think I am going crazy. If one of our users attaches an attachment to a ticket that we request (i.e. an invoice for a customer), why do I have to download that attachment to my computer and then re-attach it to an email written to the customer in that ticket? Why is there no option to just attach an attachment that already exists for that ticket? This seems like an obvious function. Please help.

Any updates on this? I would like to have email notification with the option to include attachments from the ticket. If a new ticket is created with attachment(s) I want to receive a email notification with the attachment(s). I can then review the attachment and take quick actions and forward to client if necessary.

I'm trying to send an email with an attachment but get the below error from the Email tool. I have made sure that the output Data tool is configured properly with my formula tool creating an 'xslx' file and have confirmed that the files are indeed in the folder. I've read a few discussions on this before but I'm not finding a solution just yet.

@sammyb84 can you show more of your configuration? Perhaps more screenshots or share your workflow? From the error message it looks like the file you're outputting and the one you're referencing as the email attachment are different - is this intentional?

Then, in your email tool, you're referencing the path being created in your formula tool, which I can see is creating an excel for each [Master Vendor], with the sheet name as 'Sheet1' and so what you're outputting vs what you're referencing are totally different.

As you want to use the same file & location for your output/attachment, I'd just make a formula tool for each stream with the exact same expression and reference them both in the Output Data tool/Email attachment respectively.

Hmm, if the 2 paths are exactly the same then it might just be an issue with the file not being created by the time the email tool looks to attach it, even with the Block Until Done in place. If you move the email stream to anchor #2 instead of #3, does this help? If not, then it may be worth Rendering the Excel output to a temp location and referencing it as shown here: -Designer-Discussions/Email-Output-Error-Need-Help-Please/td...

As an alternative, instead of outputting the data via output tool, you could create a temporary output which gets picked up by the email tool. Sharing the link below to give a detailed step by step as to how this can be done. Solved: How to send an email with a csv attached - Alteryx Community ff782bc1db

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