
R:Colab Reference List

  1. Chollet François, & Allaire, J. J. (2018). Deep learning with R. Manning Public.

  2. Chollet François, & Allaire, J. J. (2018). Deep learning with R [ Github ]

  3. Using TPUs on Google Colab with Keras [ url ]

  4. Performing R magic with Jupyter Notebook [ url ]

  5. Simple Text Multi Classification Task Using Keras BERT [ url ]

  6. Intent Recognition with BERT using Keras [ url ] [YouTube ]

  7. The Illustrated BERT, ELMo, and co. [ url ] [ YouTube ]

  8. `reticulate` - R Interface to Python [ url ]

  9. `R` you ready for python [ url ]

  10. Running R in Google's Colab [ YouTube ]

  11. How to use R and Python in same notebook on Google Colab [ YouTube ]

  12. Leveraging the best of both Python and R [ url ]

  13. Running R in Google's Colab | For Keras, TensorFlow and GPU Support [ YouTube ] [ Colab ]

  14. 十三分鐘略懂 AI 技術:機器學習、深度學習技術原理及延伸應用 [ YouTube ]

  15. BERT from R [ url ]