Update: I made progress by following the suggestion here: the Welcome screen is bypassed when I ran the startup script studio.sh in the Android Studio bin directory. However, I still can't open any of my projects.

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After going through some other questions like this, I first tried the Tools > Create Desktop Entry method. It did create an entry on the dash, but somehow Android Studio does not launch by clicking on it. If it's of any help, I am pasting the jetbrains-android-studio.desktop entry this method created in the /usr/share/applications directory:

When this didn't help, I deleted the above mentioned .desktop entry and tried the method mentioned in this blog post, which required me to create the following jetbrains-android-studio.desktop file and paste it in /home/jayant/.local/share/applications directory

All you did "wrong" was that you didn't drag the jetbrains-android-studio.desktop file from the directory in which Android Studio created it into the Launcher and drop it where you want it to appear. You can use Ubuntu's Files application to find, drag and drop the .desktop file.

If Tools->Create Desktop Entry doesn't works for you then it probably means that the Android studio isn't installed properly in the system.To check whether the Android Studio is installed or not go to the Ubuntu software and find for the software.If it doesn't reinstall the package and take care of the path of the sdk and AndroidStudioProjects.But it is possible that the desktop shortcut icon works properly.

Locate the downloaded Android Studio installation executable file (named android-studio--windows.exe) in a Windows Explorer window and double-click on it to start the installation process, clicking the Yes button in the User Account Control dialog if it appears.

On versions of Windows with a Start menu, the newly installed Android Studio can be launched from the entry added to that menu during the installation. The executable may be pinned to the taskbar for easy access by navigating to the Android Studio\bin directory, right-clicking on the studio64 executable, and selecting the Pin to Taskbar menu option (on Windows 11 this option can be found by selecting Show more options from the menu).

Android Studio for macOS is downloaded in the form of a disk image (.dmg) file. Once the android-studio--mac.dmg file has been downloaded, locate it in a Finder window and double-click on it to open it as shown in Figure 2-1: 

Note that the Android Studio bundle will be installed into a subdirectory named android-studio. Assuming, therefore, that the above command was executed in /home/demo, the software packages will be unpacked into /home/demo/android-studio.

Note also that the above command adds the android-studio/bin directory to the PATH variable. This will enable the studio.sh script to be executed regardless of the current directory within a terminal window.

Several techniques may be employed to modify the $PATH environment variable on macOS. Arguably the cleanest method is to add a new file in the /etc/paths.d directory containing the paths to be added to $PATH. Assuming an Android SDK installation location of /Users/demo/Library/Android/sdk, the path may be configured by creating a new file named android-sdk in the /etc/paths.d directory containing the following lines:

Thanks for info- This is not the case. Please look the image. 2 Android studio instances. running on separate machines. picture is taken by remote desktop. one shows issues for same file. Hope you understand the issue. Both machines have same token, same version of sonarlint plugin etc.

I previously came across this question here [GRADLE BUILD FAILED] Android-nRF-Blinky], where the developer recommended a similar solution, upgrading no.nordicsemi.android.gradle:version-catalog from version 1.2.1 to version 1.3.3. But it did not solve the issue, in fact, that path was already applied in the git repository when I cloned it.

On Windows: Two git options are required to check out sources on Windows. Since it's a common source of Git issues on Windows anyway, those options could be set globally (execute those commands before cloning any of intellij-community/android repositories): ff782bc1db

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