Hopefully you've never had to sit next to Forrest Gump on a bench: he'll talk your ear off for a good three hours, you'll miss your bus, and he'll offer you chocolates even though you have no idea where they came from.

You hear this quote any time someone feels like dispensing fortune-cookie wisdom about the uncertainties of life, without any regard for the effect these chocolates are having on your teeth. Five out of five dentists disapprove of this quote.

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It's not pretentious, but it's just plain wrong. Seriously, what kind of chocolates are Forrest and his mama buying if they don't know what's in them? Don't they know you can flip over the lid and see what's inside each one?

People living all over the world belong to different religions, follow different cultures and speak different languages. If people of one nation go to another nation for their livelihood or education, they have to adapt themselves to the changing situations and places lest they should experience untold sufferings. Life throws all a lot of challenges, both simple and complicated, and it is up to all to rise and perform, take decisions that can be sometimes satisfying, and sometimes disturbing, and walk through it as if none were affected by it. It is not an easy thing to do. It is never easy to answer his heart as the questions surface and resurfaces time and again. Life is not a bed of roses to live easily. Lahiri is an Indian by birth but she has America as her permanent dwelling place. Hence, she has faced a lot of problems as an immigrant which she tries to show in her work. Hers are perfectly placed words lining themselves into elegant sentences whose subject matter: family, mothers and daughters, assimilation, alcoholism, children, marital love and touch us all.

Life throws all a lot of challenges, both simple and complicated, and it is up to all to rise and perform, take decisions that can be sometimes satisfying, and sometimes disturbing, and walk through it as if none were affected by it. It is not an easy thing to do. It is never easy to answer his heart as the questions surface and resurfaces time and again. Though life is not a bed of roses to live easily, it is full of ups and downs. People living all over the world belong to different religions, follow different cultures and speak different languages. If people of one nation go to another nation for their livelihood or education, they have to adapt themselves to the changing situations and places lest they should experience untold sufferings.

There is no great difference in the reality of one country or another, because it is always people you meet everywhere. They may look different or be dressed differently, or may have a different education or position. But they are all the same. They are all people to be loved. They are all hungry for love (11).

At the next stage, many immigrants start comparing their old culture with our new one, and deciding which practices seem better. Essentially, Indian culture is a spiritual culture and Indians are proud of their cultural heritage. Even though the people migrate to America, some of them will follow their native culture only. Jhumpa is the best instances for this; she reveals her traditional Bengali culture and compares that with American culture through the narration of her female characters in her works.

In the case of the Indian diaspora, the idea of return is not physical, as well as a cultural phenomenon. Apart from the important ingredients connected with the rootedness, there is ethnic identity, language, food, religion, costume, culture, rituals act as symbols to be linked with the home country. In USA, each immigrant endeavors to retain his or her individual ethnic identity rather than to imp into 'melting pot'. The American concept of 'melting pot' is contradicted with the notion of 'vertical mosaic' of different ethnic, languages, regional and religious groups. Regarding the Indian language, the different languages like the Bengali, the Hindi, the Kannada, and the Telugu etc bind the immigrants with the native India.

Consequently the immigrants will have a better understanding of their culture and realize that it is neither all good nor all bad. Everyone in a family must adjust many things in the new country. They will have accepted America as their home, and have learnt to adjust to the differences in culture there. The characters struggle at first more and later they understand their adjustment to live there and change themselves to live there as Americans. However they to learn how to live there by crossing many insults only.

Freedom of religion is a tradition in our country, and some people will probably meet others with a variety of religious beliefs. As the people live in U.S., they will learn that it is a diverse mix of ethnic origins, religious beliefs, and social class. Because most of the Americans do admire the person of any background who takes the effort to learn about their culture and who works hard. They will find that being there will help to increase their own knowledge of different types of people, and that there will be many new friends there interested in learning about them and their country of origin as well. In the story This Blessed House, Sanjeev and Twinkle, a newly married couple, are exploring their new house in Hartford, which appears to have been owned by fervent Christians. They keep finding extravagant Biblical kits hidden throughout the house. While Twinkle is delighted by these objects and wants to display them everywhere, Sanjeev is uncomfortable with them and reminds her that they are Hindu only, not Christian. This argument reveals other problems in their relationship. 152ee80cbc

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