Printed Circuit Board Projects

Board Reports

Board 1: 555 timer circuit and business card

This board is my very first PCB I designed built and tested. It drives a 555 timer output to 4 different LED's with different valued series resistors. Read the whole report below!

Board 2: Good/Bad Design Practices

There are multiple good and bad design practices when it comes to the design of PCB's. This board uses two different hex inverter circuit configurations to demonstrate design practices that increase performance quality that add little to no cost, as well as design practices that should not be used unless a strong compelling reason is given! You can read the whole report from the link below:

Lab Reports

Lab 9: Measuring Cross Talk Between Signal Returns

Download link to report:

Lab 11 + 12: Trace Resistivity and Max Current Capacity for Traces

Download link to report:

Lab 15: Faculty-Designed "Board 2" Measurements

Download link to report:

Lab 16: Differential Measurements vs. Single Ended Measurements

Download link to report: