
Pollie Quinan was born March 30, 1904 in Wharton County. She married Gus Thompson, also from Wharton in 1922. They had 6 children: Howard, Rosa Lee, Stella Mae, Marie, Inez Bell, and Barbara Jean. After Inez Quinan Pipes died in 1926, Pollie took care of her younger sister Mamie (16) and younger brother, Walter (14) until they became adults and married. Like other relatives living in Hungerford, Pollie and Gus were tenant farmers. Wanting a better life for themselves and their family, they moved to Houston in December of 1947. Later Gus began working for Sheffield Steel until he retired. Pollie was a worked for the Hunter Loftin family until she retired. She prayed constantly for her family, and she was the rock of her family until she became ill. She died 1-27-1996 at almost 92 years of age.