I think the basic question is: Is there a setting to record a quicktime screencast that saves as an MP4? I typically do the screencast and have to then convert in Mpeg Streamclip. This takes a lot of time than just taking the screencast!

I've "heard" that we can convert Audio Recording to Mp3 but opening in iTunes but I don't understand exactly the steps. I am wondering if this is something similar with the screencasts and IF the options in quicktime to export to iPad, iPod etc or Audio only do something like this for us so one doesn't have to take the time of converting in Mpeg Streamclip.

Quicktime Pro 7 Free Download For Windows

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I am wondering if this is something similar with the screencasts and IF the options in quicktime to export to iPad, iPod etc or Audio only do something like this for us so one doesn't have to take the time of converting in Mpeg Streamclip.

If you want editing features like Trim you need to buy QuickTime Pro for windows. The same was true on the Mac prior to QuickTime X. Unfortunately on the Mac there is no QuickTimeX pro so the ONLY editing feature you get is Trim. When it is installed on the Mac the older version gets moved into the Utilities folder and can be used from there. QuickTime Pro has a lot of features (although sometimes hard to discover) but you can (or maybe I should say could), cut, copy, paste video snippets. Add multiple sound tracks, adjust sound track volumes, trim, throw in additional video overlay tracks etc. Very recently though I've started noticing extreme problems with QT Pro on Windows and most of the editing features are no longer working properly. (Oh yeah QT Pro also supports exporting to a variety of pre-defined and customizable formats).

Yeah, after uninstalling QT player after being told all windows users should remove it because of vulnerabilities, I would have thought the codecs (or just the decoders) would have been included when media encoder was installed. Whatever, installing Resolve fixed it on Windows 10. Now that I have Resolve on my system, maybe it's time to give it a try.

A quicktime logo does appear on the Control Panel, but when I click on it, the driver window (I don't know the technical term for it) comes up, but it says it's not installed. When I go to the Drivers control panel and click on [MCI] Quicktime for Windows, I get an error that says "Cannot load the [MCI] QuickTime for Windows Driver. The driver file may be missing." Trying to reinstall Quicktime doesn't help.

The video driver won't install. I'm trying to follow the steps I found here for getting 3.1 to work with Dosbox, but for some reason, when I type "setup" under the windows directory after 3.1 has already been installed, I get the installation setup instead of the one being displayed.

I still haven't gotten quicktime to work. Even when I reinstall 3.1 and the drivers in the order that was recommended, quicktime still refuses to fully install, I still have the same problems that I mentioned before. Either I'm not installing the drivers correctly, or perhaps my DOSBox configuration is the culprit? If so, I have no idea where I'd change it.

There is a Quicktime API for windows that you can use native C/C++ with. However to get started with Quicktime I would recommend that you experiment first with the QT Activex component in VB.NET or C#. This is by far the fastest and easiest way to get started. If you install Quicktime on your windows machine you can reference the Acivex component in Visual Studio. A good book on on the Quicktime Activex for .NET is "Quicktime for .NET and COM developers".

There's Quicktime SDK for Windows, but any application that uses it needs quicktime runtime libraries to be installed on the system (SDK itself just has headers and library stubs, and not the actual DLLs).

If my application uses Quicktime, I'd like to install the necessary libraries with it's installer, thus not requiring user to install Quicktime separately. What I'm looking for is some sort of "quicktime redistributable".

As of now (quicktime 7.x), I can't find a way to do that. I could bundle whole quicktime installer (about 20 MiB), and launch it with MSI's silent/unattended flag. However, that way it has several side effects: 0852c4b9a8

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