How To Fix Errors With The Help Of QuickBooks Refresher Tool?

QuickBooks is the best accounting software which is used by the many small and medium size organizations for the accounting purpose and maintain the official data with the help of it.

But sometime it may causes errors like it’s not working properly or you can’t able to open it so at this circumstances you can think about the QuickBooks Refresher tool.

QuickBooks Refresher tool is an integrated and diagnostic tool created by the QuickBooks to resolve common QuickBooks errors. Sometime you may be faces proble while using QuickBooks software, it may start working slow due to the process running on the background. Basically QuickBooks Refresher tool will only diagnose your QuickBooks desktop software without affecting your company data file.

What kind of errors resolved by the QuickBooks Refresher tool?

Below are some issues that the QuickBooks refresher tool can easily detect and diagnose.

  • QuickBooks is working slow while using it or it’s stop working automatically.

  • It also help to resolve the errors of 6000 series like quickbooks error 6189 816, QuickBooks errors 6129, QuickBooks refresher tool error 6150 1006 and others.

  • It help to resolve QuickBooks Pro, Premium and enterprise desktop software installation issue on window 10.

  • QuickBooks software close and restart again and again while using it.

  • QuickBooks not connecting.

  • Quickbooks Multi-user mode not working

  • Online QuickBooks installation error

  • The sync manager not working.

Downloading and Installation process of the QuickBooks Refresher Tool

1- First you have to close all the programs which are running on the background.

2- Next you need to go to the official website of Intuit and search for this tool.

3- After that you need to download the QickBooks Refresher Tool from there and access this on your system.

4- Once the accessing it, you ned to follow the instruction which you will see on the screen.

5- Now you have to complete the installation process and then save the file after installing it.

Also Read- Why Users Need QuickBooks Enterprise Support?

Process to use the QuickBooks Refresher Tool

1- In starting step, you need to access the QickBooks Refresher Tool.

2- After that choose “Fix My QuickBooks” option.

3- Wait for sometime, once it has done, you will be redirected to the new wizard where mentioned that your QuickBooks Refresher Tool has downloaded.

4- At last click on Ok and access QuickBooks application and now it has ready to tackle with the errors if any.


In this guide we have mentioned in detail about the QuickBooks Refresher Tool where you can get to know about the errors which is resolved by this tool and also describe the steps to download and install this tool and elaborate briefly about the process to use it. Hope this will help you out.