Drafting an email or using chat to share relevant information with your client or team member can interrupt your workflow. With Notes mentions, you can alert people of notes that contain information relevant to them. Notes mentions join previously released enhancements such as threaded note, private note, and Rich Text Format, so you can keep track of important details with minimal effort. Learn more

I need to add a Title of Retention note to our invoices/statements and some other notes about Christmas hours etc. How do I do this. I don't want to do it individually, I want to type it once and for it to come up on all invoices/statements then automatically.

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I've added notes to the Notes section of the Invoice Customer and Transaction section to the right of the Invoice, and also to the Customer Message at the bottom left of the Invoice. I do not want the customer to see our notes, but I do want the AR Aging Detail report to show the notes so that they will appear on Excel files so that our sales team can see the collection history. How do I get the Notes to show on the AR Aging Detail Report.

While you cant exactly add notes to the AR aging report that aren't visible to your customers and that transfer over to your excel files, I do have a work around you can do that does exactly what you need. What you'll want to do is add the notes to your memo section. This won't be shown on your invoices and then when you want to transfer them over to excel all you'll need to do is add that memo column to the report.

Unfortunately, that's the only alternative. However, perhaps you can include both the Work Order numbers and the notes in the memo section but separate them somehow, maybe with a " / ". I do agree that would be a useful feature and addition to the product, so for that reason, I'm going to suggest this to our product development team, they can review it and consider adding it to a future update. You can keep an eye on our blog, this is where you'll find notes on changes made to the QuickBooks product.

If you're viewing the Customer Notes field from the customer's profile, you'll notice that it's only a single line. However, there is a way to have a larger area to input customer notes. Just go through these steps:

Yes, I'm aware that I can see the notes by going into edit mode, but that's a really cumbersome way to have to do that, particularly when as recently as a couple of weeks ago, the full notes were displayed when you viewed any customer (without having to deal with edit mode).

I agree completely. We use the notes section for customers several times per day to record the history of the account. Since the update only 2 rows show at a time which is very limiting and challenging. Please make it so that this area can be resized.

I agree with both of these individuals. What a tedious process now that I have to go to edit mode. We have several customers with multiple service locations. We use the notes section to enter all their locations and use this to select the correct location to bill when preparing invoices. Removing this feature has more than doubled the time it takes me to do my work in Quickbooks. I would be really grateful if you would bring the old feature back!

i agree! we just moved from desktop to online and use customer notes for every customer and invoicing every month! That's 300 customers and notes and this is impossible. if you have the notes setting why cant we adjust the size of it...and see if it when making invoices like you can on desktop

YES PLEASE!!! I keep extensive notes for clients that I have to reference constantly all day. I'm a web developer and keep login information for customer accounts and other information I have to access. The new tiny window is awkward and slows down my access to information considerably. Time is money. Please fix! Maybe simply make the display window just like the very textarea I am typing in now. I can drag the bottom right corner as big as I want. That would be perfect! Let it show the one line and let me drag it bigger to see my info.

The notes section in the Customer Information window allows you to enter 650 words or 4000 characters including spaces. I definitely understand why the ability to drag the notes section to add more information would be handy. Our developers implement features based largely on the preferences they receive from our users. I'd personally forward this to our Product Engineers for considerations in our future updates.

Thank you. Please pass it on because the "in the meantime" solution is too time consuming. If I'm on the phone with a client, I want to open up their name and SEE the bullet point details/notes I need to see, not have to take the extra time to open a document. 

Thank you for the reply on behalf of the Quickbook team. To clarify one thing about the request, we aren't saying we need more space to enter data. We want the ability to view more of our saved notes at a glance. Right now you can only view two lines. This makes navigating your information very difficult. See screen shot:

I attached a screen shot showing what we are talking about. It's really about a line and a half that shows. There is another note window at the top that shows three lines, which is better. But it would be most helpful to be able to resize this window to view more notes at once.

Thank you for passing this request along. To clarify, we aren't really asking for more note capacity. We are needing to be able to VIEW more notes at once. Right now you can only see about one and a half lines. I've attached a screen shot so you can see what we are talking about. There is another note area close to the top of the customer card which shows 3 lines at a time. But really, what would be most helpful to us is to be able to resize this window to see more of the notes at a glance.

At this time, you can try zooming out the resolution of the browser you're using to see the full details of the notes added. You can press on Ctrl + - sign on your keyboard or if you're using Chrome:

Yes, it has been updated. You can access the full customer notes by dragging the bottom corner of the text field. Also, the notes are displayed in full when viewing the customer's profile. You can follow these easy steps:

I see how you are able to resize in the customer details, however as soon as you close out of the customer and then re open the customer the note has resized back to the smaller. Is there a way to lock in the resized box? Also in the main screen of the customer, which is typically shaded in grey can that note be resized, so you can read your notes while looking at customer transaction list?

At this time, the option to lock in the resized box in the Customer Details tab and resize the note section on the Customer notes field is not an option in QuickBooks Online. I recommend sending this request straight to our product engineers through feedback. Sharing features and options that you would like implemented is how our engineers look for new product updates.

I agree, totally. In fact I think there should be less restrictions on how many notes we add. My payment just went from $60. A month to $80. And the notes area is smaller and restricted to a limited number of characters.

CUSTOMER NOTES COLUMN IS LIMITED. I need to enter every invoice and transaction into the Notes field of each customer because we print this for our technicians when they go to a job so they can see the "history" of work for each customer. The note field is limited and will not let me type any more into it. Is there a way to un-restrict this field? Right now there is a 4000 character limit. There is no way to print the history for each customer - the notes field was great for this, until the 4000 characters have been reached.

Hi @Rebecca77, thanks for joining the conversation in the QuickBooks Community! 

I see where you're coming from. Using the notes field so that technicians can see customer history is a great idea, but definitely see where that limit could put a wench in things. 

One option in the meantime could be to use the notes field to link an external notes document. Alternatively, you can explore our library of third-party apps where there may be a great solution for sharing technician notes.

I enter notes in my items, save and they disappear. Repeat, several times, gone. Once in a while they actually save. This is very frustrating and a time waster. I was advised by the QB Chat person to change all my users and run a verify/rebuild. I have done the verify/rebuild, problem before and after the verify/rebuild. Note: verify/rebuild was all good. I cannot change my users, that is just nonfunctional. Is this a software glitch or is there a fix?

1. Go to the Inventory menu at the top.

 2. Select Inventory Center.

 3. Select the inventory item.

 4. Click the Notes section at the bottom and the notes will appear.

That should help you circumvent the hurdle your getting with saving your item notes. If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to let me know by mentioning me anytime. Have a good one!

Well I have had this issue throughout several updates on the desktop version, and it not only some items. It seems to happen every time. Perhaps I'm not editing them in the right way, but they notes I put in are not there until I do it twice. Then they stay.

I double click on the item (or pull down to "edit item"). I go to the appropriate field (rate usually) and change to the new amount. I then click on Notes. In the line after the last edit, if there is one, I hit Date/Time Stamp and type in the new rate info after the stamp. I go to OK on both windows. When I double click the item and go to the notes screen again to check, the new info is gone. Every time. Not certain items, every item.

I am having the same problem on Quickbooks Self Employed. Select category, add note, add invoice, save and log out. Log back in and some notes have gone, its not me because I reopened entries and checked before logging out to make sure the notes were still there. I have just checked ones sorted this evening and every note entered today has gone. Happened several times. As a new purchaser of Quickbooks this really is not good enough, Save should mean save. trying to go back, researching the dam invoices all over again takes a lot of time especially as I am backloading some history. I have also noted that changing a category can wipe a note. To me as a new purchaser the programme is not living up to the hype and I am wondering if I made a mistake, and it cannot be anything to do with the version I have had the programme less than two months. ff782bc1db

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