Perform mathematical operations with numeric columns, measures, or aggregated columns. For scenarios across columns within a table, you can either average (AVERAGEX) or sum up (SUMX) the result in order to return a single value.

You can use quick measures to quickly and easily perform common, powerful calculations. A quick measure runs a set of Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) commands behind the scenes, then presents the results for you to use in your report. You don't have to write the DAX, it's done for you based on input you provide in a dialog box. There are many available categories of calculations and ways to modify each calculation to fit your needs. Best of all, you can see the DAX that's executed by the quick measure and jump-start or expand your own DAX knowledge.

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To create a quick measure in Power BI Desktop, right-click or select the ellipsis ... next to any item in the Fields pane, and choose New quick measure from the menu that appears.

When using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) live connections, some quick measures are available. Power BI Desktop displays only the quick measures that are supported for the version of SSAS you're connecting to. If you're connected to a SSAS live data source and don't see certain quick measures in the list, it's because the SSAS version you're connected to doesn't support the DAX commands used to implement those quick measures.

After you select the calculations and fields you want for your quick measure, choose OK. The new quick measure appears in the Fields pane, and the underlying DAX formula appears in the formula bar.

The new quick measure is available to any visual in the report, not just the visual you created it for. The following image shows a quick column chart visual created by using the new quick measure field.

A great advantage of quick measures is that they show you the DAX formula that implements the measure. When you select a quick measure in the Fields pane, the Formula bar appears, showing the DAX formula that Power BI created to implement the measure.

Imagine you need to do a year-over-year calculation, but you're not sure how to structure the DAX formula, or you have no idea where to start. Instead of banging your head on the desk, you can create a quick measure by using the Year-over-year change calculation, and see how it appears in your visual and how the DAX formula works. Then you can either make changes directly to the DAX formula, or create a similar measure that meets your needs and expectations.

You can always delete quick measures from your model if you don't like them by right-clicking or selecting the ... next to the measure and selecting Delete from model. You can also rename a quick measure whatever you like by selecting Rename from the menu.

DAX statements for quick measures use only commas for argument separators. If your version of Power BI Desktop is in a language that uses commas as decimal separators, quick measures will not work properly.

You can use your own custom date tables with time intelligence quick measures. If you're using an external tabular model, make sure that when the model was built, the primary date column in the table was marked as a date table. For more information, see Specify Mark as Date Table for use with time-intelligence. If you're importing your own date table, make sure to mark it as a date table, as described in Set and use date tables in Power BI Desktop.

Have an idea for a quick measure that isn't already provided? Great! Go to the Power BI Ideas page, and submit your ideas and DAX formulas for quick measures you'd like to see in Power BI Desktop. We'll consider adding them to the quick measures list in a future release.

Quick measures, a new feature we released in our April Power BI Desktop update, lets you quickly create new measures based on measures and numerical columns in your table. These new measures become part of your model and can be used in any of your charts, just like manually created DAX calculations. You can also see the underlying DAX, and edit it if you need to tweak the results.

This category of calculations lets you calculate values for a specific category in a column, or compare values to a specific baseline. For example, the following quick measure calculates the SalesAmount for just Deluxe Class products:

After you provide the required parameters and click OK, the quick measure is now part of your model and available to use in your other visuals. If you had originally launched the quick measures dialog from the field well of a visual, the new measure is added to the visual.

You use DAX formulas to create a measure field that you can then use in the report or Data view. Examples of measures are sums, averages, minimum or maximum values, and counts. For more advanced calculations, you can create yourself using DAX. The calculated results of measures are always changing in response to your interactions.

Quick measures are pre-built measures. You do not have to write your own DAX syntax. You are prompted to input data into dialog boxes, the results are then presented for you to use in your report. You can also see the DAX created which will help you learn DAX.

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I am a PBI beginner and am having a hard time figuring out how to get the YoY % change quick measure to work correctly. The formula calculates YoY as total sales ((last year + previous year) - previous year)/previous year when it should be (current year - previous year)/previous year.

Let's start from here, the DAX Suggestion feature makes learning Power BI easier and more fun because it simplifies the process of creating measures, reduces the need for memorizing DAX syntax and functions, and helps you discover new possibilities for data analysis with Power BI.

Today I am announcing the availability of a new External Tool for Power BI Desktop, "Microsoft Hates Greg's Quick Measures" or MSHGQM for short. This tool more than doubles the number of Quick Measures available in Power BI Desktop alone and most calculations support the creation of either DAX measures or calculated columns so really MSHGQM triples the number of quick, easy calculations you can create.

So, despite the fact that I have contributed nearly 200 quick measure formulas to the Power BI Community's Quick Measure Gallery, Microsoft has never once been so inclined as to base one of the Quick Measures in Power BI Desktop on one of my submissions. Other Quick Measures have made it, like Chris Webb's Star Rating and Daniil Maslyuk's Simple Linear Regression. Never one of mine though. But am I bitter? A little...I'm a little bitter, I'm not gonna lie. So what is one to do when life hands you lemons? Well, you can make lemonade can use gain of function research to bioengineer a new, novel bacteria that attacks the photosynthetic respiratory systems of lemon trees in order to wipe out lemons from the face of the earth and henceforth be forever impervious from receiving sour fruit. What? Too soon? In any event, figuratively speaking, I took the latter approach. And thus, after a weekend of teaching myself how to code a C# WPF application, MSHGQM was born.

Oh yes, I am quite certain that Microsoft hates my quick measures. What are you going to do? Some people hate cans, some people hate turtles and some people at Microsoft obviously have a vitriolic hatred of my DAX code. But, I realize you probably have a whole host of questions. I will try to anticipate those questions and answer them here:

Now, I have provided the code to Mike Carlo at so that he can inspect it for "malicious" code. As long as "malicious" does not mean "an incomprehensible mess", we should be good. Fantastic website BTW. I am working with Mike to get the tool included in Business Ops because I'm too lazy to write an installer of my own and Business Ops is really cool and legit.

Well, the current tool is what I would consider an alpha version. The goal for the beta version is to cleanup all of the code and double the number of quick measures available. The beta is still going to be based on my own homegrown JSON DAX quick measure description format and necessary code behind for each quick measure. Probably take me a couple months.

After the beta, my goal is to try to use Mike Carlo's nifty new DAX template creation tool to create DAX templates for my quick measures. The end goal is to try to make the entire interface, including the configuration interface for quick measures/columns, completely data driven so that you can add new quick measures simply by dropping a DAX template into a directory. That might take some time.

I recreated my quick measure, using the DateDim table with the appropriate hierarchy, then making the change to the DAX that was created by it, (as shown in the video from Patrick). After that, I added another visualization to display a pie chart of units sold per manufacturer, tested out a background image and a few other cool visuals before publishing it.

Sure, there are numerous dynamic title Quick Measures here in the gallery, but none are truly as mind blowingly dynamic and versatile as this one! This dynamic title measure understands all of the usual dynamic title things like everything selected, nothing selected, etc, but also understands direct and cross filtering context and can be easily modified to support any text formatting as well as display percentages, counts and simple text when picking multiple items.

While, copilot should not be a replacement for learning DAX, I believe that in the era of AI, we should also learn and master the use of AI tools as they can serve as a valuable aid. And of course, we should not forget to verify the result of the generated DAX measure because even AI can get things wrong! 17dc91bb1f

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