Privacy Policy

In this Policy, we,QUI APP, inform you about our personal data collection and use practices relating to your use of QUI’s mobile app for student and teacher communication services. It does not cover other data collection or processing by QUI or data that other companies collect or sites or services that are linked from our service.


Carefully review this policy. We will amend it from time to time as our technology, services, features and business models change, so you should review our current privacy policy every time you use our service. Our privacy practices are summarized in this Privacy Policy.


Children under 5 are not allowed to use the QUI App services. If you are a parent or guardian of such a child and become aware that your child has provided personal information to us, please contact us as described in this Privacy Policy and we will take reasonable steps immediately to remove such information.

Account Data

When you sign up for our service, you actively provide us with account registration information that you can access and update within the QUI app at any time, including:

We use your email address to communicate with you about the app activities and marketing, new services and other topics we believe are of interest to you. We collect your phone number for communication purposes only.

We may also update your registration information, for example, if you provide a new email or phone number on your account.

Usage Data

When you use the QUI service, we process and deliver to you and other users of our service information about your QUI transactions, such as information about items that you post for sale through our service and messages exchanged with other QUI users. In this context, we receive information about your device, software, who you communicate with, message content, locations and our access logs, which includes IP address, device ID, your actions within our service and language settings.

Our browser-based app version and website also places cookies (session cookies and persistent cookies) as necessary to provide functionality to you. We associate usage data with your device and your personal account. We process usage information to deliver, improve and optimize our QUI service, to protect you, us and other users from actual or potential fraud and misuse, and to determine what information, features, promotional information and other services you need or may be interested in. We may combine your usage information with information we collect from other companies and use it to improve and personalize your QUI experience.

The information QUI collects may be sent to us by your computer, mobile phone or other access device. The information includes, but is not limited to, the following: data about the pages you access, computer IP address, device ID or unique identifier, device type, geo-location information (IP country and city), computer and connection information, internet service provider (ISP), mobile network information, statistics on page views, traffic to and from the sites, referral URL, ad data, and standard web log data and other information. You may opt out of geo location information collection by editing the setting at your device level.

Third Party Sources

We may obtain information about you from third parties such as identity verification services. We may combine your usage data with information we collect from other companies such as Google Analytics to customize and improve your user experience. Google Analytics collects information regarding the use of other websites, apps and online resources
(For more information, please visit .)

You may choose to provide us with access to certain personal information stored by third parties such as social media sites (e.g., Facebook https:// The information we may receive varies by site and is controlled by that site. By associating an account managed by a third party with your QUI account and authorizing QUI to have access to this information, you agree that we may collect, store and use this information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Data Retention and Access

You can review, access and edit your personal information at any time by logging in to your account and reviewing your account settings. You can also deactivate your account.

We retain account and usage data as long as required by applicable law. We may retain personal information from your account to collect any fees owed, resolve disputes, complete investigations, prevent fraud, enforce our Terms of Service User Agreement, or take other actions as required or permitted by law.

If you deactivate your QUI account we will inactivate the account within less than 10 business days. Please keep in mind that others can retain messages and content that you have sent them or posted publicly before you closed your account and, as we are a financial institution, we keep deactivated account information for a certain time period in our archives before we can delete any data.

Disclosures, Sharing

We do not disclose your individual account or usage data to third parties, except:

Note that when you publicly post content, such as sales listings, that content is visible and available to third parties.

International Data Transfer

To facilitate our operations, we may transfer, store and process your personal information in jurisdictions other than where you live, including in the United States. Laws in these countries may differ from the laws applicable to your country of residence. We will utilize appropriate safeguards governing the transfer and usage of your personal information.


We take required steps to protect your account information and account messages and to protect against data loss, misuse and unauthorized access. However, no internet transmission is ever completely secure or error-free. In particular, messages sent through the QUI service are not encrypted.

It is your responsibility to control access to your device, including keeping your login information confidential and not sharing it with anyone. It is also your responsibility to notify QUI if you believe the security of the information in the QUI app or your QUI account has been compromised.

Your Choices

We respect your communication preferences. If you no longer wish to receive notifications via our application, you can adjust your preferences by visiting the settings page of the QUI application.

QUI may use information collected for its own marketing purpose. If we send marketing messages, you can opt out by changing the settings in your QUI profile account or by contacting us at or by following the directions that may be provided within the communication itself to opt out. Note that if you opt out, we may still send you non-marketing messages, such as messages about your account, transactions or specifically in regards to products and services you have requested.

We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes.

Questions, Requests, Rights

If you have any questions or requests, please contact us directly through our email Please reference “Privacy Policy” in the subject line of your inquiry.