Quentin Posva

I am a Swiss mathematician, specialized in Algebraic Geometry. I hold a PostDoc Mobility fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation. I am currently working as an invited post-doc at the Heinrich Heine Universität (Düsseldorf, Germany), in the research group of Stefan Schröer.

Before that, I spent one year (2022--2023) as a Kollár Research Assistant at the University of Utah (Salt Lake City, USA).

I received my PhD in July 2022 at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland), under the supervision of Zsolt Patakfalvi.

Research interests

I am broadly interested in birational geometry, moduli theory and singularity theory of algebraic varieties. Recently, I have been thinking about moduli of varieties in positive characteristic, in particular for surfaces; and about applications of derived geometry to singularity theory.

See the Research page for my publications and preprints.

Upcoming talks and activities


Email address: name(dot)surname(@)hhu.de 

Office: 25.13-03.33, HHU Universität, Düsseldorf