CV & Resume


Research Scientist (Chargé de Recherche)
INRAE Grand Est -  UMR 1131 SVQV  (Santé de la Vigne et Qualité du Vin)
28, rue de Herrlisheim
68000 Colmar - FRANCE

Born in December 28th 1990



Scientific outreach

I am the author or co-author of 26 (11 as the first author) peer-reviewed articles in international scientific journals and 1 book chapter (as co-author)

Total citations = 586; h-index = 14; i10-index = 17 (Source: Google Scholar) 

Teaching & Supervision

Current Teaching

Teaching during my doctorate (@ University of Picardy Jules Verne)

EPG (Electrical-Penetration Graphing) technique formation

Since 2017, I have been training students and researchers in the EPG technique: tethering of aphids / whiteflies / mealybugs / psyllids, data acquisition and analyses, statistical analyzes, and interpretations.



Student Supervision

External expert for scientific journals

New Phytologist - Functional Ecology - Journal of Pest Science - The Plant Journal - Journal of Chemical Ecology - Scientific Reports - Viruses - Journal of Economic Entomology - Environmental Entomology - 

Journal of Insect Behavior - PLoS ONE - Insects - Plants...

EPG setup @ INRAE - Colmar