Research engineer (Inria, Rennes)

I am currently working as an hospital engineer of CHU Rennes at the Neurinfo platform and in Empenn (Inria, Rennes).

Neurinfo platform - Empenn team

Research projects

NEUROFEEDEP Evaluation of an amygdala-targeted neurofeedback protocol onto major depressive disorder
Evaluation of a bimodal EEG-fMRI neurofeedback protocol for neurorehabilitation of stroke patients

COGNISEP Neural basis of irony in patients with multiple sclerosis

IMAJ Study of the impact of marketing onto alcohol consumption in young drinkers

AVCPOSTIM Effect of muscle neck vibration on functional rehabilitation of stroke patients with balance disorders

KNOVELTY Influence of the prior knowledge effect onto item memorization in mild cognitive impaired patients

Short bio

2021 Research engineer, Inria, Rennes

2020 Hospital engineer, Neurinfo, CHU Rennes

2019 Research engineer, Neurinfo, UR1

2015-2019 Post-doc, Empenn, Inria, Rennes

2011-2015 PhD Candidate, LTSI, Rennes, AEHRC, CISRO, Brisbane Australia

2011 Industrial Trainee, CSIRO, Brisbane

2011 Master degree ESIR Univ. Rennes 1 (UR1)

2010 Intern, LTSI, Rennes

Research interests

fMRI image analysis

BOLD data quality control

Anatomical imaging


Partial volume estimation

Multimodal imaging



Jonin et al. Refining understanding of working memory buffers through the construct of binding: Evidence from a single case informs theory and clinical practise Cortex 2019 112, 37-57
Duché et al. Partial volume model for brain MRI scan using MP2RAGE Human Brain Mapping 2017 38 (10) 5115-5127
Duché et al. New partial volume estimation methods for MRI MP2RAGE MICCAI 2014, 129-136
Duché et al. Bi-exponential Magnetic Resonance Signal Model for Partial Volume Computation MICCAI 2012, 231-238

ResearchGate profile - Google Scholar citations - HAL publications


fMRI data quality control

A python package to perform "The Plot".

Codirection PhD (Rennes - Brisbane)

Étude des effets de volume partiel en IRM cérébrale pour l'estimation d'épaisseur corticale [pdf]