The Provinces - The Roman Empire beyond Italy was divided into about 40 provinces, or territories. Each province had its own governor, who was appointed by the emperor or named by the Senate. The governors' work mainly included keeping order and collecting taxes. Augustus and the emperors who followed him expanded the empire by conquering new territories. By the end of the first century A.D. the Roman Empire had a population of about 60 million. This was more than one-fifth of the total population of the world at that time.

Roman Roads in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

7. Cities of Galilee:

In material ways too Rome opened the way for Christianity by building the great highways for the gospel. The great system of roads that knit then civilized world together served not only the legions and the imperial escorts, but were of equal service to the early missionaries, and when churches began to spring up over the empire, these roads greatly facilitated that church organization and brotherhood which strengthened the church to overcome the empire. With the dawn of the pax Romana all these roads became alive once more with a galaxy of caravans and traders. Commerce revived and was carried on under circumstances more favorable than any that obtained till the past century. Men exchanged not only material things, but also spiritual things. Many of these early traders and artisans were Christians, and while they bought and sold the things that perish, they did not lose an opportunity of spreading the gospel. For an empire which embraced the Mediterranean shores, the sea was an important means of intercommunication; and the Mediterranean routes were safer for commerce and travel at that period than during any previous one. Pompey the Great had driven the pirates off the sea, and with the fall of Sextus Pompey no hostile maritime forces remained. The ships which plied in countless numbers from point to point of this great inland sea offered splendid advantages and opportunity for early Christian missionary enthusiasm. Full Article

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The population of Scythopolis grew to 40,000 and the linen it produced made it one of the leading textile centres of the Roman empire. Centuries later it became a centre for processing cane sugar.

To be sure, we are not dealing with evidence from Baysan itself. Mr. Newell informs me that the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania's excavations on that site have produced no unmistakable specimen of these folles, but it is to be hoped that eventually we shall have more information from the place of minting. In the meanwhile, it seems to me that we must reject the theory of an official or semi-official Byzantine origin for these coins. In Jerash, at least, orthodox folles of Justin II continued to circulate in and after 572, and it is hard to believe that Baysan can have been so cut off from the rest of the empire as to produce this progressively barbarous series while its neighbors were using the official issues.

Inland fisheries in Cambodia play a more important role thanthe marine fisheries sector and contribute 90% of the total fish production.Fisheries information and statistics is important for planning the developmentand management of the fisheries and understanding fisheries contribution to thenational GDP. Information on the economic value of the fisheries will attractthe attention of managers, government officers, NGOs and other stakeholders andhelp persuade them to maintain the status of resources and to protect theinterests of resource users. Given the significant contribution of fisheriesresources to food security, there is an urgent need to maintain sustainablemanagement of these resources through policy and programdecision-making.

The availability of fish habitats in Cambodia is influenced bythe flood regime of the Mekong River. The flood regime influences the changes inthe extent of the floodplain area (Fig. 3). The total area of water bodies ismuch smaller in the dry season. Understanding the types of water resources andthe area they cover may provide clues for the estimation of fish yield andproduction in relation to these habitat types.

China has a history of more than 3000 years of inlandfisheries. In recent decades, the inland fishery, especially aquaculture, hasbeen well developed. Since 1981, the production from inland aquacultureincreased rapidly while the production from capture fisheries increased onlyslightly (Fig. 1). In 1999, the total fishery production in China was 41 milliontonnes. Of the 16.5 million tonnes from inland fisheries, 2.28 million tonnescame from the capture fishery and 14.2 from aquaculture. From the data in 1999,about 30% of inland aquaculture area was ponds, 28% paddy fields and 22%reservoirs (Fig. 2). Figure 3 shows that 92% of inland fishery production wasfish with the remaining 8% consisted of shrimp, crab, molluscs and other aquaticanimals. More than 78% of total inland fishery production was carps (Fig. 4) andmost of these were from ponds (Fig. 5).

The data collected for inland capture fisheries includes totalnational production, production in different provinces or cities, productionfrom different water bodies, production of dominant species in differentregions, areas of fishery water bodies in different regions and for differentspecies, output value of different typologies, fishery effects (including boatsused, labour used, people working in fisheries, etc.). Statistics are compiledat district level with information collected by staff at sub-district level.District officers report the information to county officers and then toprovincial officers, who compile it and forward it to officers in the Departmentof Fisheries. Data are normally collected from fish farmers by local officers.For some areas where the data is difficult to collect, the local officials willestimate the production. Some scientists collect data by sampling, marketinvestigations, licenses to fish farmers and fish catch in each boat. Scientificdata are normally used for research work and not used for statistics. Due to thedevelopment of aquaculture in lakes and rivers, some data are compounded byinland capture fisheries and freshwater aquaculture. This type of report isnormally given at the end of the year and the statistical data is only collectedannually. There is sometimes a lack of data in different seasons ormonths.

Marine capture fishery and aquaculture statistics arecollected through the same infrastructure. In contrast to inland capture fisherystatistics, marine fisheries and aquaculture data are based on an estimation ofthe capture per boat times the total number of boats and on market surveys. Formarine fisheries, information is also collected on numbers of fishers based onlicensed gear or a count of fishers working onboard licensed vessels.

The statistical data provides detailed information onfisheries in China. Figure 6 shows the inland fishery capture production in anumber of provinces and cities. The highest capture fishery is in Hubei Provincefollowed by Jiangsu. Hubei is a province of "Thousands of Lakes" and stocking inthese lakes has been very well developed. No data are available for the totalcapture in China at different seasons but Figure 7 shows the aquaculture areasin different regions. Most of the data include both capture and aquaculturefisheries because stocking fish in lakes is also called aquaculture in China. Tothe total aquaculture production, fish contributes about 70% (Fig. 8). Theproductivity of aquaculture in China is shown in Figure 9. Ponds have thehighest productivity. Fishing effort is also reported in the types of vesselsused (Fig. 10) and the number of people working for fishery management includingadministration, ship verification, research, hatchery etc. (Fig. 11). Women playdifferent roles in different areas but the highest proportion of involvement isin hatchery farms and colleges.

Labour in the capture fishery is shown in Figure 12, but thisis the total data including marine capture fisheries. Several 'high-capturelabour provinces' are seaside provinces (Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong andGuandong). Data from different provinces and cities are also published everyyear and similar information could be collected and the analysis for differentregions could be based on these data.

Lao PDR covers about 202 000 km2 of the total Mekongcatchment, which accounts for about 97 % of the total area of the country. Itcontributes some 35% of the average annual flow of the Mekong. However, the dataon living aquatic animals are limited. Generally speaking, statistical data andinformation on the economic significance of the fisheries sector is difficult toobtain because of the limitation of financial support, limitation of humanresources and knowledge of fishery scientists in statistics. A lack ofinformation and statistical data on inland fisheries has undermined theirimportance and the subsequent management of the resources. With a growingpopulation, it is important to maintain the contributions of inland fisheries tofood security and to increase production. Concerted action is required in thisregard. There is a need to improve the collection of statistical data that canbe interpreted in economic, scientific and ecological terms for use in planningand development. However, most fishing in Lao PDR is subsistence fishing,although there is significant commercial fishing in the Nam NgumReservoir.

Inland fisheries is significant for Thailand in terms ofproviding food security and employment to a large number of fishers and ruraldwellers. Inland fisheries contributes approximately 200 000 metric tonnes peryear, which is less than 6% (in 1999) of the total production of fish (Table 1).Although the share from inland fisheries is not high, inland fisheries areconsidered the most accessible and inexpensive source of protein for most Thais,it is thus important to the socio-economic and rural development ofThailand. be457b7860

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