4thInternational Workshop on Quasi-Free Scattering with Radioactive-Ion Beams: QFS-RB 19

Maresias, Brazil, October 13-18, 2019

Venue and Accomodations

Accommodation: Maresias Beach Hotel (https://maresiasbeachhotel.com.br/) - This will also be the conference site.

Hotel Address:

Av. Dr. Francisco Loup, 1109 - Praia de Maresias, São Sebastião - SP, 11628-115, Brazil

The hotel is located in the seaside village of Maresias about 3 +1/2 hours by car from São Paulo. Rooms have been pre-reserved for a special rate. The transport from the São Paulo international airport in Guarulhos to the Hotel, a three-hour ride, will be organized by the workshop at limited times.

IMPORTANT: Please mention the conference code NEO19 (Nuclear Event October 2019) to make the reservation. The reservation should be made through the e-mail: centraldereservas@beachhoteis.com.br. If you encounter any problem contacting the hotel, please send an email to Valdir Guimaraes, valdirg@if.usp.br

As of December 2018, the hotel provides a rate of 710 Reais per night, which covers a room (overlooking the sea) and full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for the whole duration of the event. This value corresponds today to 158 Euros or US$ 177 per day (as of Dec/11/2018 - please notice that exchange rates have been volatile lately.) Cheaper rooms (not overlooking the sea) are also available.

Other Hotels: There are several other hotels close to the conference venue (Maresias beach hotel). You are welcome to look for your own hotel with a web search engine. The only disadvantage is that you will not be able to join the breakfast, lunch and dinner at the conference hotel.

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