Telescope Construction Plans

These tracking systems may be used indoors or outdoors. If outdoors, wrap the counters in an opaque plastic garbage bag to protect from light leaks and water

The counters are mounted corner over center. For the tracking configuration, the counters should be oriented east-west (right ascension). On the top, channel 1 should be east, and just below it, channel 2 should be west. On the bottom, channel 3 should be east and channel 4 should be west.

If oriented north-south (declination), on the top, channel 1 should be north, and just below it, channel 2 should be south. On the bottom, channel 3 should be north and channel 4 should be south.

The counters are mounted corner over center. For the fixed configuration, the counters should be oriented east-west (right ascension). On the top, channel 1 should be east, and just below it, channel 2 should be west. On the bottom, channel 3 should be east and channel 4 should be west. There is NO north-south (declination) run for the fixed configuration.

Be sure to wrap an opaque plastic bag around each end of mounted counters, to minimize light leaks.