
Alessandro Piscopo

Alessandro Piscopo is a Principal Data Scientist at the BBC. His team, Datalab, focuses on developing recommendation engines across the organisation, and has so far deployed live recommenders on products such as BBC Sounds, BBC World Service, and the BBC News app. His previous research is situated at the intersection of peer-production communities, collaborative knowledge engineer- ing, and data quality. He received his PhD from the University of Southampton in 2019. Email: alessandro.piscopo AT

Oana Inel

Oana Inel is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Zurich. Currently, Oana is investigates the use of explanations to provide transparency for decision-support systems and foster reflective thinking in people. Previously, she was a Postdoctoral Researcher at TU Delft. She did her PhD at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, where her research focused on detecting and repre- senting events and their semantics for understanding knowledge on the web. She has co-organised several workshops and tutorials in the area of explanations, human computation, semantic web at TheWebConf, UMAP, ISWC. Email: Website: https://oana-

Sanne Vrijenhoek

Sanne Vrijenhoek is a Project Researcher with a background in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Amsterdam’s Insti- tute of Information Law. She works in an interdisciplinary project on assessing diversity in news recommendations. An important part of this project is translating normative notions of diversity into concrete concepts that can be used to inform recommender system design, and has as such extensive experience in bridging the gap between computer science and the social sciences. She has organised a number of non-scientific workshops, facilitating discussions between computer scientists and news editors. Email: Website: r/s.vrijenhoek/s.vrijenhoek.html.

Martijn Millecamp

Martijn Millecamp is a UX engineer at AE NV, Belgium. As a consultant, he guides companies to develop user-centered applications and explanations for several machine learning algorithms and recommender systems. He obtained a PhD at the Augment group at the KU Leuven investigating how explanations for a music recommender system should be personalized to different personal characteristics and how learning analytics dashboards should be adapted to fit a different context. During his PhD, he has organised a number of both scientific and non-scientific workshops, mostly facilitating discussions between computer scientists, teachers and students. Email: Website:

Krisztian Balog

Krisztian Balog is a Staff Research Scientist at Google and a Full Professor at the University of Stavanger. At Google, he works on models and evaluation methodology for explaining user models and items in conversational recommender systems. He has co-organised numerous workshops on evaluation at SIGIR and CIKM, as well as large-scale benchmarking efforts at TREC and CLEF. He served as the general co-chair of ICTIR’20, program co-chair of the CIKM’21 short paper track, and acts as general co-chair of ECIR’22. Email: Website: