I think of indexing as a way to use DT in a mode where both DT and the Finder are (continually) aware of what each does to any given indexed file within the tree Folder structure. Delete a file in DT; it will be deleted in the Finder. Move it to a different location in the Folder structures at the Finder level, it moves to that revised location in DT.

DEVONthink stores individually indexed items by its absolute path in the filesystem. If you move an individually indexed file or folder, it will disappear when the database updates or be reported as missing. This is because the item no longer exists in the indexed location, so the absolute path points to nothing. If you move a file or subfolder inside an indexed parent group, the change should be reflected in the database or the Finder. The parent folder still exists in the same location and DEVONthink can adjust for the changed relative paths within it.

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This list includes the Acute Inpatient PPS wage index data files, analyses, and tables used in the annual development of the Acute Inpatient PPS wage index. For a discussion of the wage index, see the "Wage Index" link in the left navigational area of this page.

If you have a sitemap that exceeds the size limits, you'll need to split up your large sitemap into multiple sitemaps such that each new sitemap is below the size limit. Once you've split up your sitemap, you can use a sitemap index file as a way to submit many sitemaps at once.

The XML format of a sitemap index file is very similar to the XML format of a sitemap file, and it's defined by the Sitemap Protocol. This means that all the sitemap requirements apply to sitemap index files also.

Sitemaps that are referenced in the sitemap index file must be in the same directory as the sitemap index file, or lower in the site hierarchy. For example, if the sitemap index file is at _index.xml, it can only contain sitemaps that are in the same or deeper directory, like

check the following parameter value "Delete archive files of indexing backup associated with deleted backup sets" under Control Panel >> Media Management Configuration >> Data Aging tab.

There currently seems to be an issue with the nova site which is why it fails and also supect when the index files unavailable, I helped a fellow SGP user get the local version up and running yesterday though you do need to get the index files which is the problem.

I'm using my asi224 through my 9x50 finder scope (with adapter) and have figured out the back-focus to get sharp images. I slew my scope (C8 on an AVX) to Bodes Nebula and tried to solve and failed. I uploaded the image to nova.astrometry.net which solved it properly. My reasoning was to determine which index files to download locally but I'm not sure how to interpret the info from the solved image.

Astrometry.net tells you which index file it used to solve your image. The only problem is that it is on an earlier screen than the solved image. There's always a temptation to go to the results page and wait for the solution.

Which astrometry.net platesolver are you going to install on your machine? Each one usually has an index wizard that will guide you as to which files you need, based on the FOV of your set-up. For example, in the case of a 1.6 x 1.2 degree FOV, you'll probably need index files 4203 to 4210. See the readme file here.

I just figured out that if I have multiple folders in my website such as logout and login I can then have a log out/in page within the folders called index.phpNow when someone goes to project.com/login/ it will load up the index.php file in that folder and the url will look nice.

Instead of creating many folders which would make the site confusing (for the developer) and having numerous index.php files which would also get confusing if you were editing more than one at a time, you can use the apache mod_rewrite module which lets you transparently (the url in the address bar stays the same) redirect one URL to another. You could use this to clean up messy url's and have /login/ instead of /login/login.php or /user/1335591/ or even /user/'username'/ rather than an ugly url which is hard to remember like the following: /user/user.php?user=1335591

I can't seem to be able to find docs on those. Can I safely delete them ? Can you point me to some docs on the JDT plugin folders/files contained in ${workspace_location}\.metadata\ directory ?

Is there any way via the gui to clean up the caches (preferably periodically) ?

According to an answer to How would you access Eclipse JDT index?, these files are the class index used when you "Open Type..." (in Refactor>Open Type... or via Ctrl+Shift+T). So if you delete them, next time you want to open a class using "Open Type..." the classes will be reindexed.

Therefore, deleting it for the sake of saving space has little sense, as it will be re-created. Deleting is however useful if you think you have something messed up in your index, it is a way to update it, as the refered answer suggests.

This all works completely fine using the genomic data from my colleague but my approach was a little different.I sequenced cDNA and I was wondering if I could use a fasta file created by myself of the gene of interest which I downloaded from UCSC. When I try to create index files from that fasta using BWA index, it does so very rapidly (the cDNA is only 700bp), but afterwards it gives me Segmentation fault (core dumped). I think this has to do with my custom fasta and accompanying index files. Any thoughts?

As long as your cDNA fasta sequence is ok, it should work. Example I posted above had about a kb of sequence in the reference. I can align a set of fastq reads to this index without any issues using bwa mem.

I cannot reproduce this with your cDNA sequence and a subset I copied out of it and used as a read in a fastq file:I suggest you delete the index and start over. Also make sure that your fastq file is fine and try to run the bwa mem command manually outside of the script to see if the issue is with the script. Can you show the content of the script?

The key must be such that it uniquely identifies a record. If more than one index is present the other ones are called alternate indexes. The indexes are created with the file and maintained by the system.

IBM supports indexed files with the Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) on OS/360 and successors. IBM virtual storage operating systems added VSAM, which supports indexed files as Key Sequenced Data Sets (KSDS), with more options. Support for indexed files is built into COBOL[1] and PL/I.[2] Other languages with more limited I/O facilities such as C support indexed files through add-on packages in a runtime library such as C-ISAM.[3] Some of Digital's operating systems, such as OpenVMS, support indexed file I/O using the Record Management Services.

Indexing is the process of looking at files, email messages, and other content on your PC and cataloging their information, such as the words and metadata in them. When you search your PC after indexing, it looks at an index of terms to find results faster.

Much like having an index in a book, having a digital index allows your PC and apps to find content faster by looking for terms or common properties such as the date a file was created. A fully built index can return answers to searches such as "Show all songs by Coldplay" in a fraction of a second, versus the minutes it could take without an index.

Apps you install may also add their own information to the index to speed up searching. For example, Outlook adds all emails synced to your machine to the index by default and uses the index for searching within the app.

Many of the built-in apps on your PC use the index in some way. File Explorer, Photos, and Groove all use it to access and track changes to your files. Microsoft Edge uses it to provide browser history results in the address bar. Outlook uses it to search your email. Cortana uses it to provide faster search results from across your PC.

Many apps in the Microsoft Store also depend on the index to provide up-to-date search results for your files and other content. Disabling indexing will result in these apps either running slower or not working at all, depending on how heavily they rely on it.

Your Windows 10 PC is constantly tracking changes to files and updating the index with the latest information. To do this, it opens recently changed files, looks at the changes, and stores the new information in the index.

All data gathered from indexing is stored locally on your PC. None of it is sent to any other computer or to Microsoft. However, apps you install on your PC may be able to read the data in the index, so be careful with what you install and make sure you trust the source.

All language packs installed with Windows include the information for indexing content in that language. If you have files or other content in a language that isn't installed on your PC, the index will try to make it searchable, but that isn't always possible.

I installed Linux on something like 3 or 4 different machines last year, and in two cases, I had a serious urge to vomit after noting that file indexers such as virtuoso (Debian testing with the latest KDE) and libtracker-miner were installed by default. I simply don't see the point of these programs. They hog CPU and slow everything down. My life was fine without them. And I'm not the only one complaining. So please, can someone tell me what the point of them is?

If it's about finding files: whenever I needed to find a file, I just do ls -R > filelist.tmp on my entire filesystem and opened the resulting file in nano. Not only do I find the file I need, but I remember where things are. I'm sure there are other solutions. But a program that needs to run all the time just to facilitate... whatever it facilitates... doesn't that contradict the Unix philosophy on a number of counts?

Hint: Instead of ls -R, you can also use locate. As to the problem at hand, these "modern" indexers ("Desktop Search") do not just index file names, but also contents. I also find them annoying, but I guess this is a result of distributors trying to push Linux to the desktop, specifically to audiences more used to Windows or MacOS (both of which have full text search). be457b7860

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