Rajibul Islam

Computational  Quantum Materials  and  real world



Welcome to my webpage!    

I am currently a visiting research scholar at the University of Alabama Birmingham's Department of Physics. Computational condensed matter physics is a field that entices my attention. Magnetism and superconductivity in topological materials are particularly fascinating to me. In addition, I'm curious about quantum sensing and information technology .   


March 2023- present  :  visiting research scholar at  UAB

June 2022 - July 2022 : visiting research scholar at TIFR,India   

Oct 2018- Now :  Ph. D scholar  at  MagTop, IFPAN,  Poland 

July 2017- Mar 2018 : Visiting student at TU, Munich 

July  2016- July 2018 : M.Tech at IIT Delhi 

Contact details :

You can find my exact position on the map provided.

Email:  rajibul.physics@gmail.com  and rislam2@uab.edu