Online-Workshops on

Quantum Gravity

Workshop Series


We organize a series of online workshops on quantum gravity and related areas. You can find some information on the workshops we organized so far below. If you want to be informed about future workshops please sign up below. The workshops are organized by Astrid Eichhorn, Aaron Held, Martin Pauly and Antonio Pereira.


We aim to bring together a truly inclusive, international group of quantum gravity researchers and foster open exchange in an innovative workshop format. In hosting these meetings online we aim to

  • hold workshops in a more climate-friendly way

  • allow for participation irrespective of travel funding and travel restrictions.

A key feature of these workshops is an ongoing series of experiments with new online tools to make the virtual networking experience at least as good or even better than the coffee breaks and dinners of ``traditional" workshop formats. Therefore, we encourage our participants to share their feedback with us and look forward to receiving tips and ideas for new formats.

If you want to be informed about future workshops sign up below.

All meetings are run on digital infrastructure provided by the University of Southern Denmark.