
Quantum Computing Laboratory


Youngsun Han, Ph.D. 

(E-mail: youngsun at


Ph.D.: 2003/03 ~ 2009/08

Compiler and Microarchitecture Laboratory (Prof. Seon Wook Kim)

Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering

Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

B.S.:  1999/03 ~ 2003/02

School of Electrical Engineering

Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

Work Experience

2019/09 ~ Present : Associate/Full Professor, Department of Computer and AI Engineering, Pukyong National University 

2011/03 ~ 2019/08: Assistant/Associate Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, Kyungil University

2009/06 ~ 2011/02: Senior Engineer, System LSI, Samsung Electronics

Social Activities

2014/01 ~ Present : Associate Editor, IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing & Computing (IEIE SPC), 대한전자공학회 (SCOPUS, KCI)

2020/01 ~ Present : Associate Editor, Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers (IEIE), 대한전자공학회 (KCI)

2010/01 ~ Present : Associate Editor, KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems (KTCCS), 한국정보처리학회 (KCI)

2014/01 ~ Present : 대한전자공학회 이사 / 협동이사 / 컴퓨터소사이어티 이사


IEEE, 대한전자공학회, 한국양자정보학회, 한국정보처리학회, 한국멀티미디어학회

(우) (48513) 부산광역시 남구 용소로 45 국립 부경대학교 대연캠퍼스 누리관 (A13) #2309       Tel. : 051-629-6250      Fax : 051-629-6264

Nuri building (A13) #2309, Daeyeon Campus Pukyong National University, 45 Yongso-ro, Nam-gu, Busan, South Korea, 48513