Venue & Accommodation



Historische Sternwarte / Historic Observatory, Geismar Landstr. 11, 37083 Göttingen

Our workshop takes place in the Historic Observatory of the Georg-August University Goettingen.



Hotel Eden, Rheinhäuser Landstraße 22a, 37083 Göttingen

We have made reservations for invited speakers from August, 30th, until September, 2nd, at Eden Hotel. It is within walking distance from the workshop side. 



The Airport closest to Göttingen is the Airport of Hannover (HAJ). From there, there are many trains connecting to Göttingen via Hannover main station. One trip can take up to an hour. The next bigger airport is in Frankfurt (FRA). From there, Göttingen is reachable within two and a half hours, depending on the type of train.