This quiz and worksheet combo helps you gauge your knowledge of a quality circle and its important components. Quiz questions assess your knowledge on topics, such as how quality circles are started and the amount of members in them.

Quality circles have been successfully used to solve product defect problems in U.S. firms. A quality circle is a small group of employees from different departments who meet regularly to identify, analyze, and solve work-related problems. These circles facilitate employee involvement, promote teamwork, and empower employees to take ownership of the quality of their work. They can help identify the root causes of defects and implement improvements to prevent future defects.

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A quality circle or quality control circle is a group of workers who do the same or similar work, who meet regularly to identify, analyze and solve work-related problems. It consists of minimum three and maximum twelve members in number.[1] Normally small in size, the group is usually led by a supervisor or manager and presents its solutions to management; where possible, workers implement the solutions themselves in order to improve the performance of the organization and motivate employees. Quality circles were at their most popular during the 1980s, but continue to exist in the form of Kaizen groups and similar worker participation schemes.[2]

Typical topics for the attention of quality circles are improving occupational safety and health, improving product design, and improvement in the workplace and manufacturing processes. The term quality circles was most accessibly defined by Professor Kaoru Ishikawa in his 1985 handbook, "What is Total Quality Control? The Japanese Way"[3] and circulated throughout Japanese industry by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers in 1960. The first company in Japan to introduce Quality Circles was the Nippon Wireless and Telegraph Company in 1962.[citation needed] By the end of that year there were 36 companies registered with JUSE by 1978 the movement had grown to an estimated 1 million Circles involving some 10 million Japanese workers. The movement built on work by Dr. W. Edwards Deming during the Allied Occupation of Japan, for which the Deming Prize was established in 1950, as well as work by Joseph M. Juran in 1954.[4][5]

Handbook of Quality Circle: Quality circle is a people-development concept based on the premise that an employee doing a certain task is the most informed person in that topic and, as a result, is in a better position to identify, analyse, and handle work-related challenges through their innovative and unique ideas. It is, in fact, a practical application of McGregor's Theory Y, which argues that if employees are given the right atmosphere and decision-making authority, they will enjoy and take pride in their work, resulting in a more fulfilling work life. A quality circle is a small group of workers that work in the same area or do similar sorts of work and meet once a week for an hour to identify, analyse, and resolve work-related issues. The objective is to improve the quality, productivity, and overall performance of the company, as well as the workers' quality of life at work. TQM World Institution of Quality Excellence publication division published a book, "Handbook of Quality Circle"[10] by Prasanta Kumar Barik which tried to bring all the theoretical concepts with detailed implementation steps for Quality Circle. This will be useful in Quality Circle implementation in all types of organizations.

Quality circles were originally described by W. Edwards Deming in the 1950s, Deming praised Toyota as an example of the practice.[11] The idea was later formalized across Japan in 1962 and expanded by others such as Kaoru Ishikawa. The Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) coordinated the movement in Japan. The first circles started at the Nippon Wireless and Telegraph Company; the idea then spread to more than 35 other companies in the first year.[12] By 1978 it was claimed by JUSE in their publication Gemba to QC Circles, that there were more than one million quality circles involving some 10 million Japanese workers.[citation needed] As of 2015[update] they operate in most East Asian countries; it was recently[when?] claimed by the President of the Chinese Quality Circles Society at the ICSQCC Conference in Beijing 30 August 1997 that there were more than 20 million quality circles in China.[citation needed]

In a structures-fabrication and assembly plant in the south-eastern US, some quality circles (QCs) were established by the management (management-initiated); whereas others were formed based on requests of employees (self-initiated). Based on 47 QCs over a three-year period, research showed that management-initiated QCs have fewer members, solve more work-related QC problems, and solve their problems much faster than self-initiated QCS. However, the effect of QC initiation (management- vs. self-initiated) on problem-solving performance disappears after controlling QC size. A high attendance of QC meetings is related to lower number of projects completed and slow speed of performance in management-initiated QCS[13] QCs with high upper-management support (high attendance of QC meetings) solve significantly more problems than those without.[14][15] Active QCs had lower rate of problem-solving failure, higher attendance rate at QC meetings, and higher net savings of QC projects than inactive QCs.[16] QC membership tends to decrease over the three-year period. Larger QCs have a better chance of survival than smaller QCs. A significant drop in QC membership is a precursor of QC failure. The sudden decline in QC membership represents the final and irreversible stage of the QC's demise.[17] Attributions of quality circles' problem-solving failure vary across participants of QCs: Management, supporting staff, and QC members.[18]

Student quality circles work on the original philosophy of total quality management.[19] The idea of SQCs was presented by City Montessori School (CMS) Lucknow India at a conference in Hong Kong in October 1994. It was developed and mentored by two engineers of Indian Railways PC, Bihari and Swami Das, in association with Principal Dr. Kamran of CMS Lucknow India. They were inspired and facilitated by Jagdish Gandhi, who founded CMS after his visit to Japan, where he learned about Kaizen. CMS has continued to conduct international conventions on student quality circles every two years. After seeing its utility, educators from many countries started such circles.

The World Council for Total Quality & Excellence in Education was established in 1999 with its Corporate Office in Lucknow and head office in Singapore. It monitors and facilitates student quality circle activities in its member countries, which number more than a dozen. SQC's are considered to be a co-curricular activity. They have been established in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Mauritius, Iran, UK (Kingston University and started in University of Leicester), and USA.

A quality circle is a group of workers who do similar types of work and meet regularly to attempt to identify and solve work-related issues. In most cases this is a volunteer group of people who meet during work hours. While each company can have them set up differently, the quality circle will typically be led by either a supervisor or a manager, and work to identify ways that they can improve their job. One of the biggest focuses is going to be on waste reduction and improvement in process standardization.

Since the groups of people do the same or similar work, they will be able to better identify problems. The quality control circle will also be the ideal group of people to propose solutions. With the leadership of a good supervisor or manager, the quality circle can propose process improvements, and even run simple tests to confirm that they are beneficial. When they have a good idea that can be used to eliminate waste and improve efficiency, they will present it to the management team for implementation.

There have been studies that looked at the benefits of quality circles in a variety of different industries. These studies have shown that they are a very effective way to improve the way work is done within a facility. In general, situations where a manager initiates the quality circle, and front-line employees join it, are able to produce the best results.

2. The Goode and Cooke Company produces several models of frying pans. There is little difference in the production time required for the various models; the plant is designed to produce 160 frying pans per eight-hour shift, and there are two shifts per working day. However, the plant does not operate for the full eight hours: the employees take two 12-minute breaks in each shift, one in the first four hours and one in the second four hours; two hours per week are devoted to cleaning the factory and performing maintenance on the machines; one four-hour period every four weeks is devoted to the meeting of the quality circle. The plant usually produces about 3,500 frying pans per four-week period. You may ignore holidays in solving this problem. Answer the following questions by adjusting the data to a four-week time period.

Quality is a cornerstone of success in today's competitive business landscape. Organizations employ various strategies and methodologies to achieve and maintain high standards of quality. One such approach is the use of Quality Circles, a dynamic and collaborative technique that empowers employees to participate in quality improvement initiatives actively. In this article, we will delve into what quality circles are, their objectives, the benefits they bring, their structure, and the processes they follow.

The quality circle process in Total Quality Management (TQM) involves a structured approach where a small group of employees voluntarily come together to identify, analyze, and solve quality-related problems within an organization. It typically includes problem identification, data collection and analysis, solution generation, implementation, review, and standardization. ff782bc1db

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