

          Quakerism 101




Friends Meeting of Washington (FMW) offers the Quakerism 101 (Q101) class online so that it can be easily accessed based on your interest and schedule. This basics class in Quakerism was developed to provide an introduction for newcomers and a refresher for members and attenders through a diversity of perspectives. The self-guided material on this site is based on a live version of the course, which is offered by FMW via Zoom in the spring and fall. For those who would like to meet the class facilitators, engage in discussions, and participate in Q&A and other in-the-moment activities, they may be interested in attending the live course to gain additional perspective and understanding.

The online version of Q101 can be taken individually or you can form your own study group whichever you prefer. Each session has an Overview, Course Content and Additional Resources. The Course Content section in each session takes about an hour to an hour and a half and is a compilation of short reading materials and videos that walk you through the basics of a section topic.

Introductory Content

Course Outline

Quakerism 101 consists of the following five sessions, which provide the basics of the Quaker Faith and Practice. These sessions provide a strong foundation of understanding the ideals of Quakers as well as the opportunties for spiritual and personal development within the Religious Society of Friends.

The class is designed so that you can proceed at your own pace through each session. The sessions have been organized in sequential order, but you can pick and choose your own order or just dip into the sessions that are of interest to you. Also, note that we value your feedback and would greatly appreciate it if you could complete the course survey at the end.