
Mechanics of frictional healing

The frictional properties of rocks depend on temperature, switching from stable to unstable at various temperatures. We explain this behavior by the activation of competing healing mechanisms with the gouge layer.  

Lithosphere dynamics

Seismic cycles in a viscoelastic medium

Numerical modeling

Review of numerical methods for seismic cycle modeling

Fault physics

Non-isothermal friction

Tsunami hazards


Fault dynamics

Rock mechanics

Granite friction

Rock mechanics

Mediterranean tectonics

Geodetic modeling

California tectonics

Geodetic modeling

Main Himalayan thrust

Seismic cycle modeling

Fault-bend folds

Seismic cycle modeling

Thermal instabilities

Crustal dynamics

Boundary integral method

Numerical methods

Parkfield earthquakes

Seismic cycle modeling

Viscoelastic flow

Postseismic relaxation modeling