The Psychobiology major is designed for students who plan to go on to postgraduate work in physiological psychology, neuroscience, behavioral aspects of biology, or the health sciences. Psychobiology is the study of behavior from a biological perspective. It includes neural, experimental psychological, natural history, genetic, comparative/evolutionary, and developmental approaches to understanding human and animal behavior.

Empirical and theoretical approaches to the basic physiological, cognitive, and social mechanisms underlying behavior. Topics include learning and conditioning; sensation and perception; memory, thinking, and language; psychological development; social processes; and personality and psychopathology.

Foundations Of Physiological Psychology.pdfl


A broad survey of human development from late childhood through early adulthood. Topics include physiological, social, and cognitive development; peers, the family, and the school; issues of autonomy, identity, and sexual relations; depression; substance abuse; and suicide.

In this course, the intra- and extra-personal causes of stress are identified, and a variety of assessment instruments are demonstrated and used. The consequences of stress are examined from several physiological and cognitive perspectives. A catalog of effective, direct, and palliative coping strategies is offered so that students can develop personalized stress-management programs.

The course emphasizes both the practice and science of clinical psychology. Topics include the theoretical foundations of clinical practice and research, clinical assessment (mental status, clinical interviewing, psychological testing), psychotherapy modalities (cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic) and techniques, and clinical research methods. A series of in-depth case studies are used to illustrate clinical theory, assessment, and treatment.

The James-Lange Theory of Emotion is one of the earliest emotion theories of modern psychology. Developed by William James and Carl Lange in the 19th century, the theory hypothesizes that physiological stimuli (arousal) causes the autonomic nervous system to react which in turn causes individuals to experience emotion. The reactions of the nervous system could include a fast heartbeat, tensed muscles, sweating and more. According to this theory, the physiological response comes before the emotional behavior. Over time, the James-Lange theory has been challenged, as well as expanded upon in other theories, suggesting that emotion is the mix of physiological and psychological response.

This theory, developed by Stanley Schachter and Jerome E. Singer, introduces the element of reasoning into the process of emotion. The theory hypothesizes that when we experience an event that causes physiological arousal, we try to find a reason for the arousal. Then, we experience the emotion.

Richard Lazarus pioneered this theory of emotion. According to the Cognitive Appraisal Theory, thinking must occur before experiencing emotion. Thus, a person would first experience a stimulus, think, and then simultaneously experience a physiological response and the emotion.

Nearly 25 years ago a model of psychological well-being was put forth by Ryff [1] to address omissions in formulations of positive human functioning that prevailed in the 1980s. Implications of the formulation for psychotherapy and psychosomatics were subsequently considered [2]. This article examines what has been learned from the extensive research that proliferated around this model of well-being, particularly as it relates to health (mental and physical) and interventions intended to improve the human condition. Before reviewing scientific advances, the philosophical and theoretical foundations of the formulation are revisited to underscore its distinctiveness vis--vis alternative approaches to well-being. Issues of measurement are also considered in this opening section.

Innovative research has linked eudaimonic well-being to biological measures to investigate whether subjective indicators of meaning, purpose and growth are accompanied by better regulation of physiological systems. Initial work, based on a sample of older women [168], showed that those with higher levels of eudaimonic well-being had lower levels of daily salivary cortisol, lower proinflammatory cytokines, lower cardiovascular risk and longer-duration REM sleep compared to those with lower well-being [168]. Hedonic well-being, in contrast, showed minimal linkage to the biomarker assessments. The same aging sample showed that, after adjusting for covariates, women with higher scores on positive relations with others had lower levels of plasma IL-6, whereas those reporting higher scores on purpose in life had lower levels of the soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) [169]. Another study showed lower cortisol output among individuals with high psychological well-being [170]. Lower cortisol levels were found among individuals showing self-enhancing cognitions, with such effects mediated by psychological resources, including well-being [171]. Links between well-being and immune function were investigated via cytokine responses to influenza or hepatitis A immunization; significant positive correlations were found between well-being and production of IFN- and IL-10 [172].

The neural correlates of well-being are receiving increased attention. Using electrophysiological indicators, an initial study showed that adults reporting higher levels of eudaimonic and hedonic well-being showed greater left than right superior frontal activation in response to emotional stimuli [185]; furthermore, the eudaimonic effects were maintained after adjusting for the hedonic indicators, but the reverse was not true (brain-based links to hedonic well-being were no longer significant after controlling for eudaimonic well-being). Another study used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate differences in amygdala activation in response to negative relative to neutral stimuli [186]. Findings showed that those who were faster to evaluate negative information showed increased left and right amygdala activation, but these effects varied depending on overall profiles of psychological well-being. Individuals with high well-being were slower to evaluate such information and showed reduced amygdala activation and increased ventral anterior cingulated cortex activation. Another recent study has documented that those showing sustained activity in the ventral striatum and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex while viewing positive stimuli reported higher eudaimonic well-being as well as lower cortisol output [187]. These results suggest that sustained engagement of reward circuitry when encountering positive events may underlie the phenomenology of well-being as well as related regulation of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis. Finally, eudaimonic well-being has been linked with insular cortex volume, which is involved with a variety of higher-order functions. Results showed positive links between personal growth, positive relations and purpose in life and right insular cortex grey matter volume [188]. The positive relations scale was also significantly associated with left insula volume.

Methodology of military psychology is inseparably linked wiThformation of psychological and military science. There is a transition in development of military psychology from classical to postclassical type of rationality. In the first place classical psychological science is aimed at providing knowledge and involves the exclusion of the psychological cognition of personal values and goals as factors affecting the objectivity of knowledge. In early works devoted to military psychology the influence of associative psychology is clearly traced. Thus, A. Zykov reasoning about foundations of human awareness of his/her behaviour gives the dominant role of force sensations, ideas, process of associations, irradiation of sensation tone. In a similar paradigm the research was conducted by N.I. Bondarev in 1920. The purpose of it was to study combat experience of soldiers who received minor injuries. N.I. Bondarev conducted 229 associative experiments in which soldiers described their feelings, the nature of associations, their rate of occurrence etc. Without concentrating on these findings we will note the fact of the reference to the personalities of the soldiers who had experience in actual combat operations. Formulation of the problem of studying the personality of a warrior required a different approach.

After World War II the attention to military psychology naturally increased: departments, laboratories, research groups were created. Their work was devoted to gun shooting training (P.P. Loginov), fi ring a machine-gun on the move (M.P. Korobejnikov), ability to read topographical maps (M.P. Gamezo), psychological foundations of shooting (D.B. Elkonin) etc. The US military psychology major research projects focused upon opportunities of human exposure: studying the features of psychotropic agents (E. Cameron), the effect of sensory deprivation (J. Hebb), and tactics of conducting interrogations (M. Orn).

Relevant cross-cutting issue of military psychology was neuroergonomics which involved neuroscience disciplines and disciplines of studying human factors. Methodology noted that this area of scientific knowledge is sufficiently promising to reduce stress issues for the military. The consequence of this new direction is the introduction of noncontact psycho-physiological examination which allows to increase the validity of the results of psychodiagnostic research.

New modern high-tech tools are used in solving key problems for military psychological science, in particular, the technology of virtual reality. This technology makes it possible to stimulate such conditions close to reality in which a soldier could experience psycho-emotional and physiological states similar to actual circumstances. Immersion in virtual reality so perceptually surrounds the user that it reinforces his/her own sense of reality and the presence of what is happening in the system. Sensory information is more vivid in virtual reality. be457b7860

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