Quantitative Sustainable Economics and Finance Seminar

Upcoming seminar:  

April 25: Rick van der Ploeg (University of Oxford) 

11:30-12:30 in room 3105

 The CMAP - CREST Quantitative Sustainable Economics and Finance Seminar is a monthly in-person seminar series, hosted by CMAP (Ecole Polytechnique) and CREST (ENSAE Paris and Ecole Polytechnique), featuring research presentations that address sustainable (including green) economics and finance issues through quantitative approaches. 

The seminars take place on Thursdays from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm at CREST (5 Av. Le Chatelier, 91120 Palaiseau, France) in room 2041.

The seminar series is jointly organized by Patricia Crifo, Emmanuel Gobet, Peter Tankov, Gauthier Vermandel, and Olivier David Zerbib.

If you are interested in being kept informed about the seminar series, please send your email address to the following generic address: You will be able to ask for your email address to be removed from the mailing list at any time by sending a request to the same generic email address.

Fall 2023 seminars

Spring 2024 seminars