Data Help

  • Using StatCrunch or a Spreadsheet

First save the text (.txt) file. Then open StatCrunch or Spreadsheet program and upload the data. First-time users of StatCrunch will need to register.

  • TI-83/84 calculator's group (.8xg) files

The TI-83/84 calculator's .8xg files are called "group" files. They are referred to as "group" files because they are a collection of one or more list files. Lists are where data are stored on the TI-83/84 calculator (and viewed in the data editor under STAT > 1:Edit). For example, all three columns of data for the Chapter 5 project are found in the TI group file called Ch05ProjectData.8xg. This file contains three lists of data: L1 for years, L2 for production, and L3 for population.

Most of the data lists for our chapter projects are named L1, L2, L3, and so on. The one exception is with the Chapter 4 project data, but the background information presented below on this web page still applies.

  • Linking the TI-83/84 to a computer

To exchange TI files between your computer and calculator, you will need the following two items:

  1. TI Connect software that is available for free at the Texas Instruments web site.
  2. A Connectivity Cable that links your computer to your calculator. Cables can be purchased at the Texas Instruments web site.

  • Sending calculator group (.8xg) files from your computer to a TI-83/84 calculator

Once the TI Connect software is installed, connect the calculator to your computer with the cable. Be sure that the cable end attached to the calculator is pressed in firmly. Below are directions for Windows users (similar for Macs).

    1. Start the TI Connect program.
    2. With your calculator already linked to your computer with the connectivity cable, click on TI Device Explorer to open that application. This application will take a few moments to decide which type of calculator and cable you are using
    3. Return to the TI-Connect window and click on the Explore My TI Data application to open it as well. This window is simply a Windows directory. Locate the TI group file that you have downloaded from our web site to your computer.
    4. Arrange the two windows (TI Device Explorer and Explore My TI Data) side by side. Once you have located the TI group file that you wish to send to your calculator, use your mouse to "drag and drop" the file into the TI Device Explorer window. The file will then transfer automatically to your calculator.
    5. Drag to RAM If you drag the group file to RAM (random access memory), the individual lists in the group file will be loaded into your calculator ungrouped. Furthermore, the individual lists will replace existing lists with the same name (although you should get an overwrite option). Once the lists are dragged into RAM, they can be viewed in the data editor of the calculator (STAT > 1:Edit). For example, dragging CH05ProjectData.8xg to RAM results in new lists L1, L2 and L3 on the calculator.
    6. Drag to Archive If you drag the group file to Archive, the individual lists in the group file will remain grouped on your TI calculator. Furthermore, the grouped file in your calculator is stored in "archive memory" rather than RAM. This is advantageous if you want to store the grouped data set for later use, and it helps free up the somewhat-limited RAM on your calculator.
    7. Once you drag a TI group file to Archive, you can check that it is stored on your calculator by opening the Group folder in the TI Device Explorer window. Note that file names on the TI-83/84 are truncated after 8 letters or digits.
    8. Once you drag a TI group file to Archive, it is only accessible to work with on the TI after you "ungroup" the file. On your TI-83/84 select MEM [2nd +] followed by 8:Group. Select the UNGROUPcolumn and you will see all the grouped file names. See below. Select the file that you wish to ungroup, then press ENTER. You may get the DuplicateName warning screen on your calculator; proceed cautiously!

  • Sending a data list from one calculator to another

To send a data list from one TI calculator to another, you will need a patch cord to connect the two units. Cords are available at the TI web site. Be sure that the cord is pressed firmly into place in both units. (Sometimes you will feel a slight "click" when it is engaged.) Then proceed as follows:

  1. Turn on the receiving unit. Select LINK > RECEIVE > 1:Receive. The calculator will say "Waiting ..."
  2. Turn on the sending unit. Select LINK > SEND > 4:List. Under the SELECT column, you will see the lists that are available on the sending unit. Move the cursor up and down using the arrow keys. When you come to a list that you want to send, press ENTER. Move the cursor up or down and you will see that a small bullet has been placed next to the list. Continue until you have selected (bulleted) each list that you want to send.
  3. Press the right arrow to select the TRANSMIT column. Then select 1:Transmit.
  4. The receiving calculator may prompt you to 1) Rename 2) Overwrite 3) Omit or 4) Quit. Choose according to your needs.