Second Workshop on Quality and Reliability Assessment of Robotic Software Architectures and Components

ICRA 2023 Workshop

June, 2nd, 2023, London, UK

The development of intelligent robotic systems, both at present and in the future, will require greatly strengthened capabilities across sensing, reasoning, information management, and acting. The innovations required in these fields will primarily rely on the development of enhanced software components, software connectivity, and software architectures. This need is further emphasized by the increasing adoption of modular, open-source, and open-data contributions both within the research community and across the industry, for example, the widespread use of open-source modular middleware such as ROS. Although many significant research contributions deal with the analysis of correctness, robustness, or reliability of algorithms and theoretical formulations of robotic capabilities, relatively few deals with design and analysis concerning the quality and reliability of the software that supports the execution of these capabilities. This workshop aims to bridge the gap between practical software engineering, program verification, and applicable robotics by bringing the topics of quality and reliability assessment of software to the fore. The workshop will achieve this through a combination of talks from invited speakers that have relevant contributions and projects, together with contributions from the research community to welcome the latest ideas and contributions relevant to this topic. 

Selected Contributions

"Towards Resilient UAV Systems", Anamta Khan, Joao Campos, Naghmeh Ivaki and Henrique Madeira


"Enhancing the confidence of autonomous robotic missions. Application to an on-the-field bathymetric mission", Karen Godary-Déjean, Elbert Liebenherg, Adrien Hereau and Andrew Young


"A Practical Real-Time Distributed Software Framework for Mobile Robots", Douglas Bertol, Geoff Fink, Ylenia Nistico, Gianluca Cerilli, Marco Marchitto and Claudio Semini


"Distributed Software Architecture for Electro-Hydraulic Humanoid", Maysoon Ghandour, Anas Ammounah and Samer Alfayad


"Using scores from the model architecture for unknown object detection in autonomous driving: Preliminary results", Corentin Bunel, Maxime Gueriau, Samia Ainouz and Gilles Gasso


"ROSSMARie: A Domain-Specific Language To Express Dynamic Safety Rules and Recovery Strategies for Autonomous Robots", Momina Rizwan, Christoph Reichenbach and Volker Krueger



Invited Speakers

Conducting Experiments on the Software Architecture of Robotic Software

Today robotic systems are central to many industrial sectors, such as logistics, autonomous warehousing, and healthcare. If on one side ROS is helping roboticists by providing a standardized communication platform for robotic systems, on the other side ROSsystems are getting more and more large and complex, thus making it extremely difficult to ensure their level of quality, e.g., in terms of performance, security, energy efficiency, testability, maintainability. Improving the quality of robotic systems is not a new activity, but in this talk, we tackle it from a different perspective: we look at them from a software architecture perspective. In this talk, I will walk you through a series of experiments we conducted at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam targeting the architecture of ROS systems, we will discuss some architectural tactics for ROS systems, and will close with an overview of our open-source tool for automatically executing experiments on robotics software

Ivano Malavolta is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Director of the Network Institute, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. His research interests include empirical software engineering, with a special emphasis on software architecture, robotics software, and energy-efficient software. He authored more than 150 scientific articles in peer-reviewed international journals and international conference proceedings. He is program committee member and reviewer of international conferences and journals and Associate Editor of IEEE Software, the International Journal of Robotics Research, and the Frontiers in Robotics and AI journal. He received a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of L'Aquila, Italy. He is a Member of IEEE, ACM, VERSEN, and Amsterdam Data Science. More information about Ivano are available on his official website:  

Physical Integration Testing for DevOps in Robotics

In the past decade an understanding has arisen in general software engineering that the primary measure of success should be software being successfully used by its intended users. The DevOps movement in particular has highlighted a gap between transferring software systems from the development environment to the operations environment. Recently various researchers and practitioners in robotics have looked at DevOps as a missing part in the way robot applications are created. Robot software faces some specific issues which general software does not have, increasing the complexity of introducing a DevOps way of working. The biggest issue is the physicality of robotics, our machines operate in the real world and thus have real world consequences. To make it easier to test robotic systems in real environments, we have introduced a testing framework called ROSPIT, which allows specifying Physical Integration Tests using a high level XML syntax and graphical tools.

Floris Erich is a permanent researcher at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan. His research is focused around bridging the gap between the virtual world and the physical world, by developing tools and techniques that enable us to easily model real world conditions and use these to verify the correct behavior of robot systems. Floris has contributed as a researcher to various projects sponsored by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), such as the "Technology Development for Robot Commercialization Applications" project and the "Innovative robot R&D infrastructure construction project". He is also a researcher working on the Japan Science and Technology Agency's Moonshot Research & Development Program, contributing to Moonshot Goal 3: "Realization of AI robots that autonomously learn, adapt to their environment, evolve in intelligence and act alongside human beings, by 2050". He has been a member of the program committee for Robotic Software Engineering Workshop (RoSE2023, RoSE2022, RoSE2021) and the International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2017).

Industrial practice on software quality assurance for mobile robots

While robots are undoubtedly some of the most complex mechatronics devices currently built, industrial practice for creating them is not so different from other complex software products. However, it is very different from practice in academia, particularly when going to full-fledged consumer products (as opposed to the often custom-developed industrial automation systems). This talk will contribute an industrial perspective on the QA approaches taken during the journey of a prototype to a product, highlighting both "solved" and open challenges along the way.

Ingo Lütkebohle is a group lead and senior expert on robot software platforms at Bosch Research, Germany, where he has worked since 2014 on software platforms and frameworks for mobile robots, in logistics, consumer and restricted autonomous driving. His main research interest is enabling the typical, diverse robotics teams to build capable, reliable and trustworthy software systems effectively. At Bosch, he has contributed primarily to determinism, performance measurement, diagnostics, robot DevOps. He also shapes and contributes to ROS, ROS 2 and other Open Source tools in  the robotics domain, e.g., as one of the principal investigators of the microROS project and as author and co-maintainer of ros2_tracing. Prior to Bosch, he has worked at Stuttgart University as Assistant Professor from 2013 to 2014 on robot system engineering, as a Postdoc at Bielefeld University from 2010 to 2013 on social robot systems, and as a PhD student at Bielefeld University, from 2005 to 2010, on software integration for human robot interaction.

Lightweight Analysis and Specification for Better Modular Robotics Software

Building robust and reliable robotic software is an inherently challenging feat that requires substantial expertise across a variety of disciplines. Despite that, writing robot software has never been easier thanks to software frameworks such as ROS: Colloquially known as the "Linux of Robotics", ROS drastically reduces the barrier to writing robotics software by facilitating extensive code reuse and collaborative development through its modular design and rich package ecosystem. At its best, ROS allows newcomers to assemble simple, autonomous robots within a matter of hours or days, and domain experts working in a particular area of robotics (e.g., vision) to share their latest algorithms with the community as a reusable software component. In practice, however, truly reusable ROS software components are difficult to build and even trickier to integrate; subtle bugs and misassumptions are easy to introduce and hard to detect. In this talk, I'll discuss how ROS developers build components and systems, the common mistakes that they make, and how lightweight specification and analysis tools can help to identify and prevent those mistakes.

Chris Timperley is a Systems Scientist based at both the Software and Societal Systems Department and the National Robotics Engineering Center at Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests lie at the intersection of software engineering, robotics, and program analysis, with a focus on developing and evaluating new languages, tools, and techniques for building, testing, and debugging robotics software. His work has featured at industrial and academic conferences, in the popular press, and within the open-source robotics community. He holds PhD and MEng degrees from the University of York.

Assessing quality and reliability of robotic software for industrial applications: challenges and solutions

The global supply chains face emerging and ever growing challenges across industries, highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic and diverse political events over the last couple of years. Supply chain disruption has become more dynamic, and the requirement for dealing with a high mix of products through many distribution channels has increased with the demand for mass customization. The need for agile and flexible robot solutions controlled by intricate software (e.g. Robot Operating System) with the latest artificial intelligence advancements, modular software architectures, easy to use interfaces and adaptability capabilities has become more apparent as means to drive  business value and increase resiliency. As robots become smarter and take over more complex tasks, the challenges to ensure their safety, cybersecurity and reliability will increase. In this talk, we will take note of current and future technological trends in robotic software for supply chain applications, new and increasing challenges at assessing quality and reliability of robotic software solutions applied to manufacturing and logistics, and briefly reflect on possible ways to address such challenges through software engineering and verification and validation tools and techniques, to open room for thought and collaboration.

Dejanira Araiza Illan is an Assistant Principal Engineer in Robotic Applications at the Supply Chain Advanced Technology Centre at Johnson & Johnson. Her professional interests include industrial advanced robotic applications, software engineering for robotics, and verification and validation of autonomous systems. Previously she worked as a scientist and software developer at the ROS-Industrial Consortium Asia Pacific and the Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Centre at A*STAR, in Singapore. She also contributed to the UK funded projects RIVERAS and ROBOSAFE, on the verification of control systems and trustworthy robotic assistants, as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bristol. She holds a PhD in Automatic Control and Systems Engineering by the University of Sheffield, UK.  

Testing Service Robots in the Field: Challenges and Solutions

Service robots operate in uncertain and dynamic environments. While being increasingly popular, engineering service robots remains challenging. Especially, evolving them from prototype to deployable product requires effective validation and verification, assuring the robot's correct and safe operation in the target environment. While testing is the most common validation and verification technique used in practice, surprisingly little is known about the actual testing practices and technologies used in the service robotics domain. In this talk I will present observations from an experience report on field testing of an industrial-strength service robot, as it transitions from lab experiments to an operational environment. I will report on challenges and possible solutions, and reflect on their effectiveness in identifying and testing safety-critical scenarios. 

Nico Hochgeschwender is Professor for Autonomous Systems at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS) in Sankt Augustin, Germany and founding director of the Institute of AI and Autonomous Systems at H-BRS. He is fellow of the Centre for Ethics and Responsibility at H-BRS and associated Research Scientist at German Aerospace Center (DLR) in the group of Intelligent Software Systems. His research interests lie at the intersection of AI-enabled Robotics and Software Engineering with a focus on assuring dependability, transparency and explainability of robotics and autonomous systems, benchmarking and evaluation and domain-specific modelling and languages for robotics. He holds a PhD degree from the University of Luxembourg and he is currently PI of two EU-funded research projects, namely SESAME (Safe and Secure Multi-Robot Systems) and METRICS (Metrological evaluation and testing of robots in international competitions).


Alcino CUNHA

INESC TEC, University of Minho, Portugal

Michael FISHER

Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of Manchester, UK

Charles LESIRE

ONERA/DTIS, University of Toulouse, France

Program Committee


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