International Thespian Society 

What is ITS?

ITS (International Thespian Society) is an honor's society high school students can apply for that focuses on the study of theatre and its art form. After earning a certain number of thespian points, which are earned by participating in theatre shows by cast, crew, or pit, and several other ways, students can inducted into this honor's society. A thespian point represents time committed to the art of theatre (1 point = roughly 10 hours). 

After 10 points, students can get inducted into the society. At 30 points, students will become "recognized" thespians. Lastly, at 60 points, students can become "honored" thespians and earn a special certificate and a special cord to wear at the student's graduation. Any other questions about the society should be directed toward QO Theatre!

Troupe #4444's Thespians as of 2023

Inducted Thespians

Matthew Fox

Kaiya Mayhew

Ava Shepard

Kangmin Kim

Maren Lewis

Alex Allen

Maggie Brady

Ari Ferguson

Zach Fischer

Sidney Goins

Matthew Hausman

Evan Hays

Luke Atkinson

Mimi Bozic

Eli Bush-Carr

Rae Forth

Saura Herranz-Jimenez

Nate Kauffman

Karolina Kellogg

Sophie Levine

Marisa Lippa 

Emma Londono

Coco Mazzarino

Myles Rathke

Shia Ringold

Maddie Schully

Recognized Thespians

Hailey Baker

Patrick Barret

Giorgia Dallasta

Matthew Fox

Grace Milla

Ava Shepard

Annabelle Waters

Lazar Bozic

Priyanka Estoll

Alina Miller

Katie O’Mahony

Chase Pasekoff

Sammy Shay

Nicole Weiner

Evan Hays

Arin Langholt

Alexa Rosenthal

Andrew Shea

Honored Thespians

Hayley Asai

Fiona Bradford

Catherine Brady

Jack Campbell

Giorgia Dallasta

Fiona Feingold

Averie Paschall

Hayden Polsky

Jordan Richard

Laurel Snow

Ava Turley

Annabelle Waters