Department of Physics
Technische Universitaet Dortmund
Dortmund, Germany
Talk title: Hybrid quantum registers with electronic and nuclear spins: Potential, challenges and possible solutions
Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of California
Talk Title: Nonlinear spectroscopy and imaging with quantum and noisy light
Department of Physics
National University of Singapore
Talk Title: Entanglement and nonlocality in quantum physics
3. Institute of Physics,
Universität Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Germany
Talk Title: Nonlinear Raman hyperspectral imaging: Experimental principles, realizations, and applications
Department of Physics
University of Oxford
Talk Title: Schrödinger cats in quantum optics and quantum technology
Dept of Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Czech Technical University
Czech Republic
Talk Title: Second Harmonic Generation from Imaging to Condensed Matter Phase
Invited Speakers
Prof. Ajay Nath
Dynamics of Matter wave solitons under bi-chromatic optical lattice and cubic-quintic interactions
Prof. Alexander V. Kildishev
(1) Topologically Nontrivial Photonic States: Ultrafast Control in Guiding Systems
(2) Fast Quantum Optical Measurements: Machine Learning for Predictive Data Processing
Prof. Alok Pan
Optimal quantum preparation contextuality in n-bit parity-oblivious multiplexing task
Amarendra Kumar Sarma
Slowing down of Entanglement Sudden-Death at Higher-order Exceptional Points
Prof. Andrey S. Moskalenko
Time-domain approach to ultrafast quantum optics
Chithrabhanu Perumangatt
Polarization Entangled Photon Sources for Satellite-based Quantum Communication Sytems
Prof. Glenn Solomon
Non-equilibrium photo-carrier transport in the integer quantum Hall regime
Prof. Harith Ahmad
Application of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Based Saturable Absorber In Pulse Generation
Prof. Jietai Jing
Quantum Enhancement of Phase Sensitivity for the Bright-seeded SU(1,1) Interferometer with Direct Intensity Detection
Prof. Junmin Wang
Improving Photon Indistinguishability of Single-Atom-based Single-Photon Source via Magic-Wavelength Tweezer
Mikko Partanen
Classical field-theoretical foundations of the mass-polariton theory of light
Prof. Mohamed Ridza Wahiddin
Generation of Elementary Gates and Bell's states using Controlled Adabatic Evolutions
Prof. Onur Hosten
Quantum entanglement for sensing with atoms and light
Prof. Robert Moszynski
Two-body and many-body physics in the ultracold regime:
Prof. Sen Yang
Quantum sensing of many body effects via nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond
Prof. Yaohui Zheng
Dependence of the squeezing and anti-squeezing factors of bright squeezed light on the seed beam power and pump beam noise
Assoc Prof. Yarub Al-Douri
Optical studies of element, compounds and alloys-based quantum dots
Prof. Ying Wang
Higher-order Nonlinear Interaction in Optical Systems with Its Role and Impact on Real World Application
Zbigniew Ficek
Highly directional emission and photon correlations from dissipative few-atom chains of emitters
Prof. Zhengwei Zhou
All-optical devices based on manipulating photons in the synthetic dimensions
Prof. Zhengyang Bai
Stable single light bullets and vortices and their active control in cold Rydberg gases