Department of Physics
Oklahoma State Univ. & Texas A&M Univ.
Stillwater, USA & College Station, USA
Talk title: Superresolution via Quantum Correlation Microscopy
Center for Relativistic Laser Science
Institute for Basic Science, GIST
Gwangju, South Korea
Talk title: Exploration of Strong Field Physics with Multi-PW Lasers
Department of Physics
Georgia State University
Atlanta, USA
Talk Title: Solids in Ultrafast and Superstrong Laser Fields
Faculty of Science
University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand
Talk Title: Quantum Optics with Microwave Photons and Superconducting Circuits
Laboratoire Kastler Brossel
Sorbonne Université (old name University Pierre et Marie Curie)
Paris, France
Talk title: Highly multimode quantum states of light: generation, characterization, and application to quantum information processing
Centre for Quantum and Optical Science
Swinburne University of Technology
Melbourne, Australia
Talk title: Simulations of exponentially complex many-body systems
Quantum Condensed Matter Research
RIKEN, Japan and University of Michigan, USA
Talk title: Parity-Time-Symmetric Optics, extraordinary momentum, spin in evanescent waves, and quantum spin Hall effect of light
Institute for Quantum Science & Engrg
Texas A&M University, Baylor University and
Princeton University
Talk title: Black Hole Entropy: from a quantum optical perspective
Faculty of Science
Institute for Spectroscopy
Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
Talk title: Quantum and Nonlinear Optics with Single Plasmonic Nanostructure
Optoelectronics Research Centre
University of Southampton and
Nanyang Technological University
UK & Singapore
Talk title: Coherent Control of Light in 2D Matter
Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of California,
Irvine, USA
Talk title: Ultrafast Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Molecules with X-ray pulses and Quantum Light
Laboratory of Photonics and Quantum Measurements
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Lausanne , Switzerland
Talk title: Dissipative Kerr soliton microresonator frequency combs
Invited Speakers
Alexander Akulshin - Swinburne Univeristy of Technology, Australia 3-Feb 3.00pm
Experimental Modelling of Directional Emission from Mesospheric Sodium with Rb Atoms
Alexey Akimov - Texas A&M University, USA 3-Feb 2.35pm
Highly efficient Dielectric Resonator Antenna for ensembles of Nitrogen –vacancy color
centers in diamond
Ali Ahmad Kamli - Jazan University, Saudi Arabia 4-Feb 3.20pm
Slow light in optical fibre
Andrii Semenov (with Werner Vogel) - Universitaet Rostock, Germany 2-Feb 9.20am
Quantum strategies for free-space links
Anirban Pathak - Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, India 4-Feb 2.10pm
Effect of noise on the dynamics of quantum systems and quantum communication schemes
Bao-Sen Shi - University of Science and Technology of China, China 3-Feb 9.00am
Frequency conversion of orbital angular momentum carrying photons
Blair Blakie - University of Otago, New Zealand 4-Feb 4.50pm
Self-bound droplets of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate
Byoung S Ham - GIST, Republic of Korea 2-Feb 9.45am
Quantum coherence control for ultralong quantum memories
Cesare Soci - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 5-Feb 9.25am
Chalcogenide Metamaterials
Chao-Yang Lu - UTSC, China 2-Feb 3.00pm
Multi-photon quantum boson-sampling machines
Chul-Sik Kee - APRI, GIST, Republic of Korea 5-Feb 9.00am
Polarization-independent electromagnetically induced transparency-like transmission in
coupled guided-mode resonance structures
Claudio Conti - National Research Council (ISC-CNR), Rome, Italy 2-Feb 3.25pm
Classical and Quantum Simulation of Superradiance in Rainbow Gravity
David Dung (with Martin Weitz) - Universität Bonn. Germany 4-Feb 4.25pm
Thermalized light in variable micropotentials and coupled photon condensates
Dmitry Matsukevich - CQT, National University of Singapore, Singapore 4-Feb 2.25pm
Simulations of quantum parametric oscillator with trapped ions
Dong Eon Kim – POSTECH & Max Planck POSTECH/Korea Research Institute, South Korea 5-Feb 2.15pm
Attosecond dynamics in atoms and solids under strong field
Edward Fry - Texas A&M University, USA 4-Feb 11.20am
Integrating Cavities and Ring-Down Spectroscopy
Fuli Li - Xi'an Jiaotong Univeristy, China 4-Feb 12.00pm
Generation of continuous-variable entangled states
Garnett W. Bryant - NIST & Joint Quantum Institute, USA 4-Feb 8.35am
The Birth of Atomic-Scale Quantum Plasmons
Goh Peng Ooi – Silverlake Axis, Malaysia 4 Feb 5.05pm
Mathematics of containers and its relationship to Quantum Physics
Heedeuk Shin - POSTECH, Republic of Korea 3-Feb 3.55pm
Toward large forward Brillouin net amplification in silicon
Helmut Ritsch - Universitat Innsbruck, Austria 5-Feb 10.55am
Subradiance and entanglement in ultrastrong coupling of quantum emitters and light
Hong Liu - A-STAR, Singapore 3-Feb 2.10pm
Ultraviolet Light Semiconductor Metasurfaces
Jaewook Ahn - KAIST, Republic of Korea 2-Feb 4.15pm
Rydberg atom quantum simulator
Jan Michael Rost - MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems, Germany 5-Feb 1.35pm
The photo electron cutoff for ionization with intense few cycle pulses: From atoms over
clusters to liquids
Jesper B. Christensen - Technical University of Denmark 4-Feb 6.25pm
Four-wave mixing in quantum information science
Jian Wu/Wenbin Zhang - East China Normal University, China 5-Feb 5.15pm
Ultrafast dynamics electronic dynamics of molecules in intense ultrashort laser pulses
Jiming Zhao - Institute of Physics, CAS, China 3-Feb 4.25pm
Recent Progress in Ultrafast Dynamics of Superconductors and Topological Materials
Junsuk Rho - POSTECH, Republic of Korea 5-Feb 9.50am
Recent progress in 3D chiral metamaterials
Jyhpyng Wang - Academia Sinica, Taiwan 5-Feb 4.50pm
Nonlinear Optics in Plasmas Driven by High-Intensity Laser Pulses
Kai Dieckmann - National University of Singapore, Singapore 4-Feb 3.05pm
Spectroscopy of ultracold dipolar 6Li40K molecules
Kashif Ammar (with Wu-Ming Liu) - Institute of Physics, CAS, China 4-Feb 6.10pm
Spin-Orbit coupled BEC in cavity-optomechanics
Kazutaka Nakamura - Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan 3-Feb 11.35am
Coherent Control of Electron-Phonon Coupled States in a GaAs crystal using Phase-locked Femtosecond Pulses
Kohzo Hakuta - UEC, Japan 4-Feb 2.40pm
Quantum Photonics with Optical Nanofibers
Ling-An Wu - Institute of Physics, CAS, China 2-Feb` 12.30pm
Table-top X-ray Ghost Imaging at Single-Photon Levels
Marek Trippenbach - Univeristy of Warsaw, Poland 2-Feb 5.25pm
Chaotic behavior of coupled ring micro-resonators
Martijn de Sterke - University of Sydney, Australia 4-Feb 9.00am
Plasmonic devices for nonlinear quantum optics
Martti Kauranen - Tampere University of Technology, Finland 2-Feb 12.05pm
Nonlinear Optical Microscopy of Nanostructures with Vector Beams
Masayuki Katsuragawa - UEC. Japan 3-Feb 12.30pm
Novel route in nonlinear optical process
Matthias Kling /Boris Bergues - Universitaet Muenchen. Germany 5-Feb 5.40pm
Towards Single-Shot Carrier-Envelope Phase Measurement with a Solid State Device
Michel Planat - Institut Femto-ST, France 4-Feb 2.50pm
Knots, links and (informationally complete) quantum measurements
Mohamed Babiker - University of York, UK 3-Feb 9.25am
Atoms in complex twisted light
Namkyoo Park - Seoul National University, Republic of Korea 3-Feb 2.10pm
K-space Resolved Second Harmonic Generation: Measurement and Hydrodynamic Calculation
Ortwin Hess - Imperial College London, UK 5-Feb 10.30am
Near-Field Quantum Dynamics of Strong Coupling and Ultraslow Light Nanolasing in
Nanoplasmonic Cavities
Phillipe Lalanne – Laboratoire Photonique, Institut d'Optique d'Aquitaine, France 2-Feb 5.50pm
Rigorous modal analysis of plasmonic nanoresonators
Prasanta K. Panigrahi - Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, India 2-Feb 10.10am
Quantum Locker & Quantum Cheque, Experimental Realization in IBM Quantum Computer
Ray-Kuang Lee - National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan 3-Feb 8.35am
Reflecting on an alternative (parity-time-symmetric) quantum theory, and its analog in optics
Rui Han (with Gerd Leuchs) - MPI for the Science of Light, Germany 4-Feb 4.25pm
Discrimination of binary coherent-state signal using atom-light interaction
Scott Parkins - University of Auckland, NZ 4-Feb 10.55am
Cavity QED engineering of spin dynamics and squeezing in a spinor gas
Shaul Mukamel - University of California, USA 3-Feb 10.30am
Ultrafast Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Molecules with x-ray pulses and Quantum Light
Stefan Scheel - Universität Rostock, Germany 5-Feb 11.20am
Rydberg physics with semiconductor excitons
Stephen Rand - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA 3-Feb 9.50am
Stimulated librations confirmation of the torque mechanism of enhanced optical magnetization
Sumanta Das (with Anders Sorensen) - Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen 2-Feb 10.35am
Hybrid quantum interfaces for future quantum technologies
Tan Howe Siang - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 4-Feb 5.30pm
Excitation Energy Transfer Processes in Plant Light Harvesting Complexes studied by Multidimensional
Electronic Spectroscopy
Tanja E. Mehlstäubler - Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany 3-Feb 4.50pm
Topological Defect Formation and Dynamics of Symmetry Breaking in Ion Coulomb Crystals
Tassos Bountis - Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan 3-Feb 4.50pm
Stable dynamics of asymmetric coupled laser systems
Thomas Pohl - Aarhus University, Denmark 4-Feb 9.25am
Quantum Nonlinear Optics in Strongly Interacting
Tobias Kippenberg - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 2-Feb 4.55pm
Dissipative Kerr soliton microresonator frequency combs
Usha Devi - Bangalore University, India 4-Feb 3.15pm
Pairwise correlation inequalities and joint measurability
Utpal Roy - Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Indiat 4-Feb 5.30pm
Mesoscopic superposition states in Bose-Einstein condensate by tunneling and reflection
Wei Ji - National University of Singapore, Singapore 3-Feb 2.50pm
Third- and Fifth-Order Nonlinear-Optical Properties of Monolayer Transition-Metal Di-Chalcogenides
Weibo Gao - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 4-feb 5.45pm
Room-temperature solid state quantum emitters in the telecom range
Wendall Hill - Joint Quantum Institute, USA 5-Feb 3.35pm
Probing Quantum Dynamics from Femtoseconds to Attoseconds
Wonkeun Chang - School of EEE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 4-Feb 4.10pm
Hollow-core fibers for mid-infrared applications
Xianmin Jin - Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China 2-Feb 3.50pm
Large-scale Quantum Information with 3D Photonic Chip
Xiaoyong Hu - Peking University, China 3-Feb 4.10pm
Thermo-optical tunable on-chip photonic topological insulator
Yoshihiko Takeda - National Institute for Materials Science, Japan 4-Feb 4.50pm
Third-order optical susceptibility spectra of nanomaterials
Zhiyi Wei - Institute of Physics, CAS, China 5-Feb 2.55pm
Generation of ultrabroad tunable femtosecond laser from visible to mid-infrared wavelength with efficient OPO and OPA
Abdullah F. Alharbi - National Centre for Applied Physics, KACST, Saudi Arabia 4-Feb 4.10pm
Chirality in the dynamics of non-identical atoms
Agus M Hatta – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia 3-Feb 5.15pm
De-excitation of dipole emitters in a finite array of nanowires on a material surface
Amir M. Kordbacheh - Australian National University, Australia 4-Feb 6.35pm
Nano fabrication using a BEC and an Atom Laser beam
Arnaud Gloppe - University of Tokyo, Japan 2-Feb 6.30pm
Spherical cavity optomagnonics beyond the Kittel mode
Ayan Khan - Bennett University, India 4-Feb 5.55pm
Influence of ultra-fast laser on Atomic Condensate
Benjamin Kuhn - Universitaet Rostock, Germany 3-Feb 3.40pm
Displaced photon number entanglement tests
Benoit Mignolet - University of Bristol, UK 5-Feb 6.05pm
Modeling the photoexcitation and electron-nuclear dynamics induced by short femtosecond
pulses in molecules
Chang Chi Kwong - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 3-Feb 5.00pm
Magneto-Optical Rotation on a Narrow Transition
Chao Yuan Zhu - National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan 4-Feb 5.15pm
Molecular Vibronic Spectra and Surviving Origin in Solvent
Chen Yu Hui - University of Otago, New Zealand 4-Feb 11.45am
Cavity enhanced microwave to optical frequency conversion using erbium doped crystal
Christian Pedersen - Technical University of Denmark 3-Feb 2.35pm
Low noise, room temperature, upconversion of infrared light and applications
Daniel Leykam - Institute for Basic Science, Republic of Korea 3-Feb 5.15pm
Nonlinear edge states and isolation in topological photonic lattices
Daoquan Zhu - Peking University, China 3-Feb 2.10pm
Preparation of entangled states of microwave photons in a hybrid system via electro-optic effect
David Wilkowski - National University of Singapore 4-Feb 2.10pm
Adiabatic non-Abelian geometric quantum gate in cold atomic gas
Edmund Loh - University of Malaya, Malaysia 3-Feb 3.25pm
Quantum Plasmonic Effects on Photon Correlations
Fengxiao Sun - Peking University, China 3-Feb 2.40pm
Phase control of entanglement and quantum steering in a three-mode optomechanical system
Giovanni Guccione - Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, CNRS, France 3-Feb 2.25pm
Optical hybrid entanglement: a resource for quantum networks
Giulia Marcucci - National Research Council (ISC-CNR), Italy 3-Feb 3.15pm
Quantum Control of Quantum Solitons and Broadband Generation
Hanis Safirah - University Science of Malaysia 4-Feb 6.25pm
Solving Coupled NLSE using Cubic B-spline and Cubic Trigonometric B-spline Collocation Methods
Hichem Eleuch - Abu Dhabi University, UAE 4-Feb 5.30pm
ERS method and applications
Jietai Jing - East China Normal University, China 3-Feb 2.55pm
Multipartite Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Correlation from four-wave mixing processes in hot atomic vapors
Jing Zhao - National University of Defense Technology, China 5-Feb 2.40pm
Probing multi-electron-hole dynamics induced by strong-field ionization with attosecond pulses
Kishore Thapliyal - Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, India 3-Feb 5.25pm
Generation of nonclassical states in non-degenerate hyper-Raman processes
Kok Sing Lim - University of Malaya, Malaysia 4-Feb 3.55pm
Down-conversion for SDM based on self-superimposition of higher order LP mode
Konstantin Dorfman - East China Normal University, China 4-Feb 5.55pm
Ultrafast Photon Counting Spectroscopy for Studies of the Cavity Polariton Dynamics
LuLiu - National University of Defense Technology, China 5-Feb 2.00pm
Spatial coherence in high-order harmonic generation from periodic solid structures
Martin Bohmann - Universitaet Rostock, Germany 3-Feb 3.10pm
Verification of bound entanglement by entanglement quasiprobabilities
Matthias Kizmann - University of Konstanz, Germany 3-Feb 4.40pm
Ultrabroadband pulses of substantially squeezed quantum radiation
Mikko Partanen - Aalto University, School of Science, Finland 4-Feb 4.50pm
Modeling field-matter coupling using the interference-exact radiative transfer equation
Muhammad Faisal - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 4-Feb 6.10pm
Spectral Diffusion of Chlorophyll a and Chlorophyll b using Ultrafast Two-Dimensional
Electronic Spectroscopy
Nguyen Duc Minh - Viettel Research and Development Institute, Vietnam 3-Feb 3.10pm
Plasmonic Grating based Metametarials for Control of Light Absorbance
Noran Azizan Cholan - Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia 3-Feb 4.20pm
Impact of Fourth-order Dispersion Coefficient on Phase Mismatch of Parametric Amplifier
Paul-Antoine Moreau - University of Glasgow, UK 2-Feb 12.55pm
Resolution of quantum ghost imaging and Fourier ptychography with quantum correlations.
Perumbil Manju - Australian National University 4-Feb 5.15pm
Tunneling of Bose-Einstein Condensate through a repulsive barrier under the influence of quench
Rafael Julius - Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Malaysia 3-Feb 4.55pm
Intracavity Quantum Squeezing in Multichannel Nonlinear Coupler
Raymond Ooi - University of Malaya, Malaysia 4-Feb 3.45pm
Universal scheme for Laser Cooling of Molecules
Rémy Braive - Université Paris Diderot, France 2-Feb 6.15pm
Phase Stochastic Resonance in a nanomechanical photonic crystal membrane with integrated
electrical actuation
Sahand Mahmoodian (Klemens Hammerer) - Liebniz University Hannover, Germany 4-Feb 12.25pm
Few-photon nonlinear optics in chains of chirally-coupled two-level atoms
Sayed Mohammad Mahdi Sadrnezhaad - University of Malaya, Malaysia 3-Feb 4.10pm
Enhanced Dynamic Quantum Clustering based on Von Neumann Entropy
Sebastian Wuester - Indian Affiliation of Science Education and Research, India 4-Feb 3.30pm
Rydberg aggregates in ultracold gases
Solomon Uriri - University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 4-Feb 9.50am
Active control of a plasmonic metamaterial for quantum state engineering
Sudha Singh - Ranchi University, India 3-Feb 3.40pm
Dynamics of Kerr-like medium with two-mode intensity dependent cavity fields
Suranjana Ghosh - Amity University, Rupaspur, India 4-Feb 3.40pm
Molecular isotope separation by utilizing Sub-Planck scale structures
Waranont Anukool - Chiang Mai University, Thailand 4-Feb 2.50pm
Dynamical Control of Atomic Density in the Two-beam Trap
Wei Fang - Zhejiang University, China. 4-Feb 6.10pm
High-purity, Electrically-driven, and Room-temperature Single-photon Sources
Wei Zhang - Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 4-Feb 3.05pm
True single-photon stimulated four-wave mixing in optical fibers
Xinkui He - Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 5-Feb 3.20pm
High-flux attosecond pulse generation
Xinyao Huang - Peking University, China 3-Feb 3.55pm
Unconditional steady-state entanglement in macroscopic hybrid system by coherent noise cancellation
Yan Yin - Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 4-Feb 2.10pm
Mechanism and Modulation of Terahertz Generation from a Semimetal Graphite
Yasuaki Okano - Institute for Molecular Science, Japan 3-Feb 12.15pm
Coherent Control of 40 THz optical phonons in diamond
Yuichi Fujimura - Tohoku University, Japan 3-Feb 12.00am
Quantum Optimal Control of pi-Electron Ring Currents in Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Zengxiu Zhao - National University of Defense Technology, China 4-Feb 2.25pm
Revealing multi-channel dynamics from high-harmonic and terahertz-wave spectroscopy
Zhi-Yuan Zhou - University of Science and Technology of China, China 3-Feb 3.25pm
Multiplexed entanglement sources generation and processing based on guided-wave platform
Zuriati Ahmad Zukarnain - Universiti Putra Malaysia 4-Feb 2.35pm
Multi Photon Quantum Key Distribution in Mobile Cloud Computing